Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

The operating rules of dedicated and non-cash ATMs were announced

According to Iran Economist From the central bank, according to circular number 02/161486 dated 07/08/1402 issued by the central bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, “Regulations for the operation of dedicated ATMs and non-cash ATMs in the country’s payment system” were notified to the banking network.

Based on this, the topic of examining “risks of cashless kiosk acceptance tools” and “private ATMs” has been placed on the agenda of the 220th and 221st meetings of the Payment and Settlement Commission and according to articles (11) and (14) of the Monetary and Banking Law of the country and In order to achieve the goal of “maintaining the value of money and balance of payments and facilitating commercial exchanges” stated in clause (b) of article (10) of the said law and for the purpose of the proper implementation of the provisions contained in the Law on Store Terminals and the Taxpayer System approved in 2018 and the Executive Regulations of Article ( 14) Addendum to the Anti-Money Laundering Law, “Regulations for the operation of dedicated ATMs and non-cash ATMs in the payment system” approved on 20/03/1402 is announced. It is obvious that the provisions of the document “Requirements for safe operation of ATMs” are still valid and the commitment to it remains in force.

Previously, according to the Circular No. 152884/95 dated 16/5/1396 of the Department of Payment Systems, regarding the necessity of banks to monitor ATMs assigned to real persons of the contract, to closely monitor the functioning of those devices and to monitor suspicious cases in The state of export was notified.

Also, the description of how to install and support all ATMs outside the branch, according to the document “Requirements for the safe use of ATMs” included in the Circular No. 417730/95 dated 25/12/95 of the Department of Payment Systems, in the agenda of banks and Credit institutions have been placed. But since the increase in the scope of providing ATMs with titles such as self-employed, private, etc., and the lack of validation of individuals before handing over the machine, along with the improper implementation of the machine’s support tasks in the field of money depositing and ensuring its security, there is a significant risk of reputation and It has created risks such as non-compliance with the aforementioned rules and regulations; The issue of “investigating the status of private ATMs” was placed on the agenda of the payment and settlement instruments commission of this bank, along with the risks caused by misuse of bank kiosk machines.

Therefore, in order to maintain integrity and create unanimity in how to formulate a technical and business framework to organize the operation of private ATMs (autonomous) and non-cash (kiosks), the Deputy of New Technologies for Monitoring and Investigating Violations and Related Considerations with the way of using non-cash ATMs (kiosks) which had led some banks and credit institutions to deviate from the provisions of Circular No. 313664/97 dated 07/09/2017 of this bank. , put it on the agenda and while sending correspondence number 321406/01 dated 12/28/1401 with the subject of “preventing the misuse of bank kiosk acceptance tools and all types of Cashless devices by any possible method”, the risks identified in this At the same time with the order to “Review the status of private ATMs” in the meetings of the Payment and Settlement Instruments Commission, the area was raised and identified in order to correct undesirable procedures, while sending numerous correspondences regarding the monitoring of violations such as “changing the type of transaction” and “doing Wide publicity regarding the tax exemption for businesses that own kiosk devices” was warned against the disciplinary and legal consequences of such decisions.

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