The performance of radio and television is questionable

A member of the commission of internal affairs of the country and councils in the parliament emphasized: the platform for the presence of popular and trustworthy personalities in the radio and television should be provided and the people should be given the right to judge.
Charso Press: Ahmad Alirezabighi said in a verbal reminder during today’s public meeting of the Majlis: “Iran is grieving today.” The victims of the terrorist incident in the Holy Shrine of Ahmad Ibn Musa (AS) and the victims of various cities and the defenders of the country’s security have made people mourn and mourn. In such a situation, jackals and hyenas have targeted the security and peace of the people.
He further stated: The performance of radio and television is questionable. The people who have a television platform for life as a symbol of the status quo are placed in front of people who described the previous government as their surrogacy and who are actually the main founders of the existing problems, and they become critics of the status quo, and both accusations are unjust. attributed to the absent party and finally the permanent tribune holders are defeated.
The representative of the people of Tabriz in the Islamic Council clarified: If Sedavasima is honest in its claim, it should provide the presence of the absent party. Otherwise, this behavior is interpreted with the purpose of justifying the errors of the 12th and 13th governments. The presence of popular and trustworthy personalities should be provided on the radio and the people should be given the right to judge.
He further emphasized: Dissatisfaction with the current situation has caused people to accompany the rioters. Because people’s livelihood is in serious trouble. Internet businesses are practically shut down. The pressure of life is unbearable for the activists of this field. The government should announce its plan to solve the concerns. While the government must come forward and take responsibility in the current situation.