The prerequisite for travelers to visit historical attractions is knowledge and understanding/ Soon we will see the positive effects of engineer Zarghami’s trip to Shahindej and Takab.

Hassan Hemti, the representative of the people of Shahindej and Takab in the Islamic Council, in an interview with Aria Heritage reporter, referring to the achievements of the presence of the Minister of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts in Shahindej and Takab cities, said: Engineer Zarghami will review the plans related to historical monuments and tourism this week. He traveled to these cities in the past and during this trip he visited Shahindej Qapan bath, Takht Suleiman world complex, moving lawn and Takab lord’s house.
He added: During this trip, a list of demands and demands of the people and officials was provided to the Minister of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts.
Hemti continued: The need for special planning to introduce the tourism and historical capacities of Takab and Shahindej cities at the national and international level was one of the most important demands of the people during the visit of the Minister of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts.
The representative of the people of Shahindej and Takab in the Islamic Council pointed out: For this purpose, it is necessary to prepare teasers introducing the attractions and publish them on the radio and in the virtual space, because the prerequisite for the presence and visit of travelers to the historical and touristic attractions is knowledge and understanding.
He said: Shahindej has a high potential in the field of tourism and historical monuments, but unfortunately, it has been neglected and instead of these capacities being a source of income and development, they have become a cost.
The representative of people of Shahindej and Takab in the Islamic Council added: During Engineer Zarghami’s trip, good decisions were taken to create tourism infrastructure and complete lighting of Zarinerood beach, pay facilities to handicraft artists, reduce administrative bureaucracies and facilitate investment.
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