
The price of buying a house in the east of Tehran/Tehranpars by meter is 22 million Tomans!

Online economy – Mehdi Jahanshahlorad; If you are planning to buy a house in different areas of Tehran, don’t miss our report today.

An apartment of 70 in Majidieh, while it has been built for 10 years and has one bedroom, is worth 7 billion 700 million tomans.

A 20-room apartment unit in Majidieh with an area of ​​74 meters and one bedroom has been priced at 4 billion 500 million tomans in recent days.

Also, another unit in Hakimieh with a size of 147 meters and an age of 4 years, while this unit has three bedrooms, is priced at 10 billion and 290 million tomans.

You need a budget of 14 billion tomans to buy a newly built apartment unit in Heravi with an area of ​​120 meters and two bedrooms.

If you are planning to invest in West Tehran Pars, you can buy a 10-year unit with an area of ​​145 meters with a capital of 15 billion Tomans.

Also, another unit in East Tehran Pars with a newly built area of ​​88 meters while this unit has two bedrooms is priced at 1 billion 980 million tomans.

Also, to buy another unit in the festival with a size of 82 meters, which is newly built, you need a capital equal to 2 billion 460 million tomans.

A 101-meter apartment in the festival, while it is newly built and has two bedrooms, is worth 3 billion 30 million tomans.

The price of buying a house in different areas of Tehran

The NeighbourhoodMeterageSpecificationsYear of constructionTotal price (Tomans)Price per meter (tomans)
Majidiyah701 bedroom, storage, parking, elevator13927,700,000,000110,000,000
Majidiyah741 bedroom13824,500,000,00060,810,000
Hakimiya622 bedrooms, storage, parking13874,050,000,00065,322,000
Hakimiya1473 bedrooms, storage, parking, elevator139810,290,000,00070,000,000
Hervey1202 bedrooms, storage, parking, elevator140214,000,000,000117,647,000
Hervey2554 bedrooms, storage, parking, elevator138437,000,000,000145,098,000
West Tehran Pars1453 bedrooms, storage, parking, elevator139215,000,000,000103,448,000
Tehran Pars East882 bedrooms, storage, parking, elevator14021,980,000,00022,500,000
Festival822 bedrooms, storage, parking, elevator14022,460,000,00030,000,000
Festival1012 bedrooms, storage, parking, elevator14023,030,000,00030,000,000

Please note that these figures are based on the units that have been put up for sale in different areas of Tehran. Online Economy has no influence on the prices and the listed rates definitely do not accurately explain the housing prices in the mentioned neighborhoods. The price of buying a house in each area will be different according to the age of the building, the facilities of the unit, the alley and the street, the conditions of the owner and the seller, etc.

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