Banking and insuranceEconomical

The price of digital currencies on the 9th of Bahman


Bitcoin, abbreviated BTC, is a digital currency, or form of digital asset, with a market value of approximately $ 714.28 billion, accounting for 39.90% of the total market.


Atrium, abbreviated ETH, is a digital currency or form of digital asset with a market value of about $ 302.74 billion, ranking second and accounting for 16.91% of the total market.


Tetra, abbreviated USDT, is a digital currency, or form of digital asset, with a market value of approximately $ 78.14 billion, ranking third in the market and accounting for 4.36% of the total market.

Prices of digital currencies

You can see the prices of various digital currencies, including Bitcoin and Atrium, on the 9th of Bahman in the continuation of this news;

Digital currencyPrice (USD)Price (Tomans)
Bainance Quinn38911,081,076
USD Quinn0.9928,449

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