
The principles of tire inflation / what number should the tire pressure be?

According to the online economy report, Tire inflation adjustment It can have other positive effects in addition to increasing the life of tires. For each car and tire, the appropriate tire pressure is different. Therefore, the appropriate tire pressure is determined by car manufacturers for their cars. This wind pressure makes your car work well. Tire pressure is measured using PSI or pounds per square inch. The right tire PSI helps the tires travel the best distance relative to the speed, and also increases handling and tire life. Usually, the recommended air pressure for each tire is between 30 and 35, which is usually PSI suitable for front tires, 32 and PSI suitable for rear tires, 30.

Basically, you can hardly tell the tire pressure by looking. You should measure the tire pressure using a high-quality air measuring device; Because it is not possible to accurately evaluate the tire pressure by visual inspection. An under-inflated tire does not have the ability to maintain its shape and structure, and in contact with the road surface, it goes out of the circle and becomes flatter.

How to find the recommended PSI or air pressure for your car

you can Tire inflation adjustment Do it through its manual. In new cars, the PSI label is placed under the hood or on the edge of the driver’s door. Be careful that you should not adjust the air pressure of your tires based on the PSI written on the tire. This number does not indicate the recommended tire pressure, but rather the maximum tire pressure that the tire can withstand. If you replace your tires, even if they are able to withstand more than the recommended air pressure; You should inflate them based on your vehicle’s recommended PSI.

How to adjust tire pressure

To adjust the air in the tires, first by turning on the air compressor, position your car in such a way that you can access all four wheels.

Then by removing the valve cover or tire air valve, find it in a place where you can easily find it; put.

Adjusting car tire pressure increases handling and tire life

At this stage, you must press the rubber valve in the valve where the compressor hose is connected. You should hear the tire inflate. Hold the tire for a few seconds to inflate.

After removing the hose from the tire, you can measure its air pressure using a pressure gauge.

Repeat the same process for the rest of your car’s tires.

After measuring the tire pressure, if it is too high, press the pressure gauge to let the air out a little.

In the last step, you have to put the valve cover in place.

Tire pressure in dual fuel cars

Do not forget that the air pressure of the rear tires in dual-fuel vehicles or vehicles with extra cargo in the trunk should be 2-3 psi higher than the standard condition. Also, if you drive on intercity roads, you should increase the air pressure of your car tires by 1 to 2 psi units. Also, when using nitrogen gas, this amount can be different in tires.

Increasing tire life by using nitrogen air

Tire inflation adjustment Nitrogen blowing can also be useful for your car. Being environmentally friendly is one of the important features of nitrogen gas. If you use nitrogen air in your tires, your car’s fuel consumption will decrease and the environment will be less damaged. Also, your safety increases if you use nitrogen air in tires, due to the non-flammability of nitrogen gas, the possibility of it catching fire is very low.

Nitrogen gas is more expensive than ordinary wind, but it has significant advantages, among which it can be mentioned that it becomes softer and less sensitive to temperature changes. So, if the financial issue is not important for you, it is recommended to use nitrogen gas instead of ordinary wind. If you use nitrogen gas for your car, you should also adjust the car’s winds with nitrogen gas.

Causes of low tire inflation

It is better in different modes Tire inflation adjustment do the Note that tire inflation is different in different road and weather conditions and in different seasons. The effective factors in reducing tire inflation are weather changes, sudden stop, speed increase, cracks and potholes in the streets, tire valve failure, etc. It is necessary to prevent a sudden decrease in tire pressure, change driving habits and be careful in it, as well as constantly check the tire pressure.

What problems will arise if the tire pressure is too high?

The braking system performs poorly when contacting the poor road surface.

The steering wheel and suspension system will wear out if the tire air is not adjusted.

If the tire air is not adjusted; Car tires wear out in a short period of time.

Drivers do not have enough peace of mind while driving if the tire pressure is not adjusted.

Car tire inflation should be measured with a quality inflation measuring device

Car tire inflation should be measured with a quality inflation measuring device

What problems arise if the tire pressure is low?

– When the air in the front tires of the car is low, the car’s steering wheel gets stiff and deviates to one side of the road.

– The amount of fuel consumption increases if the air in the car tire is low.

– in the part where the tires collide with the road; It undergoes a change in appearance and this problem creates many dangers.

– The outer parts of the tire tread are worn at a high speed.

– Sometimes the tread of the tires becomes flaky as a result of increasing the speed of the car until it bursts.

– The temperature of the wheels increases when the car is moving.

Tips on tire inflation

* If your air compressor is digital, you can set the standard air pressure on it.

* Once you have inflated your tires, you should use a pressure gauge to re-check their air pressure. At this stage, over-inflating the tires does not cause a problem; Because it is possible to remove excess air from the tire. Keep in mind that you should not move on tires that have a lot of air; Because it causes problems such as reduced adhesion, premature tread wear and reduced impact absorption.

* If you use the gas pump air compressor with oil change, that means your tires are hot. So you can set the PSI 4 times higher when the tires are inflated than when the tires are cold. And when your tires are cold, measure them again.

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