
The process of issuing the certificate of financial ability became electronic – Tejaratnews

According to Tejarat News, the Central Securities Depository Company announced the electronicization of the process of issuing the financial ability certificate.

In order to speed up, facilitate and improve the way of serving the shareholders of the capital market, the Central Depository of Securities and Funds Settlement Company has unveiled the project of electronicizing the process of issuing the financial resource certificate.

The Central Securities Depository and Funds Settlement Company, as an institution under the supervision of the stock exchange organization, is responsible for issuing the financial capability certificate in the capital market of Iran. The process of applying for and issuing a certificate of financial ability has always created challenges for the beneficiaries; From the requirement to go in person to the Central Depository Company’s head office in Tehran or the regional stock exchange halls in some provinces (which covers only 22 cities), to sending the certificate by post and as a result the process is time-consuming, this is one of the most important challenges facing the beneficiaries. have been.

In the process of issuing a certificate of financial ability, a person can submit his request to receive an asset status report in English and receive an electronic version of his certificate by referring to the integrated portal of capital market stakeholders and the electronic service desk.

Considering that the issued certificate does not have a seal, the authority receiving the certificate should refer to the English website of the Central Securities Depository and Fund Settlement Company at the address and select the E-Certificate option on the main page of the website. to choose It is also possible to access this website through this address.

On this page, by entering the requested information that includes the type of certificate, national number, reference number included in the certificate and publication date, the relevant file will be displayed. The certificate provided electronically is approved by the Securities and Exchange Organization and represents the person’s financial assets in the time period or date included in it.

Until the end of the Stock Exchange, Bank and Insurance Exhibition, which took place between June 16-19, 1402, all certificates were issued in person (a copy with a signature and seal) and electronically (a copy that can be queried on the website) and after that date, all Individuals and registered legal entities are required to receive a letter of financial ability certificate through the integrated portal of beneficiaries and will not be able to receive a physical copy, which requires that the verification process be taken into account in the manner described.

Source: Radio

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