Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

The quarterly conference of managers of Day Insurance Company was held

According to the financial news report, citing the public relations of Di Insurance, Mohammad Reza Keshavarz, the CEO of Di Insurance Company, praised such a value-creating culture by pointing to the empathy and organizational cohesion in this organization and stated: Negating the individual-centered view and increasing teamwork. It has always had positive results in day insurance, and the satisfaction of customers and shareholders is one of its valuable results.

The CEO of Day Insurance described this company’s acceptance of innovative and technological developments as another step and a new chapter in the growing and excellence process of Day Insurance, which can become a competitive advantage of this company compared to other competitors.

He mentioned the design and launch of the “Deidar” system as an indication of the organization’s serious determination to progress towards the future and said: “Digital insurance and online service is no longer a horizon or a vision in Day insurance, but a realized process.”

Mohammadreza Keshavarz expressed his hope: the forward-looking approach to business, the improvement of the level of customer satisfaction and the trusting view of the shareholders are the reason for the current achievements and guarantee the success of Day insurance in the future.

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