The reaction of the Ministry of Guidance to the story of an offensive clip

Following the publication of an insulting clip on the pretext of the release of the movie “Left and Right” in cyberspace, the Director General of the Department of Supervision of Cinematic Films reacted to this.
Charso Press: According to the general department of public relations of the cinema organization; Ruhollah Sohrabi said: cutting films and showing a certain scene and highlighting it with any purpose in the society is a wrong and immoral approach.
He continued: Media activists and people of culture and art are expected to judge a movie first of all by watching its full version and refrain from joining a group or movement without taking into account the social and cultural issues that marginalize them.
Referring to the fair and informed approach and view of the media and the people of culture and art, Sohrabi pointed out: Certainly, the sympathetic criticism and opinions of the intellectuals and elites in the field of culture and society are respected and paid attention to by the cinema organization, and the fair critics who encourage us in the form of warnings and sometimes offering solutions and suggestions are always welcomed and emphasized: We must separate the account of fair criticism from some emotional and ignorant reactions.
He considered the use of several scenes from the movie “Left and Right” to attack the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and its abuse to hurt the feelings of religious and religious families to be distasteful and added: Regardless of the fact that this movie is a product of the previous period and the production license and even the screening license was issued before the establishment of the new government, but I must say that it was screened at the insistence of the cinema organization and the removal of many scenes of this movie. The producers of the film also cooperated the most to remove the obstacles and problems of the film’s release, and after about a year and a half and with many amendments, it was possible to show it to the public, which happens to be in the social conditions of last year, when the producers basically did not want to show their works and preferred to release their works during the period of peace and wellness.
The Director General of the Cinema Organization’s Screening and Supply Supervision Office reminded: This is not the first time, and it probably won’t be the last time, that some people will react ignorantly, which will lead to damaging the dignity of the cinema family and marginalizing it, and imposing social costs. In the current situation, it is not unlikely that these kinds of attacks and mischief in public opinion and religious families are only to cover up the successes of the film organization and the commendable actions of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance in the last few months. At a time when, with proper planning and understanding the need to expand the social and cultural vitality of the society, we are witnessing relative peace, growth and prosperity in the society and the atmosphere of culture and cinema.
Sohrabi said: The Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and the Cinema Organization has shown over the last two years with its production and policymaking that it has the most concern and issue in this area and is evidenced by dozens of films that have been focused on religious concepts and ethics and ethical issues last year. Has prevented ridicule and immoral.
He pointed out: Fortunately, our people, especially the delegations and religious people, are more alert and aware than they are being ignored by one or more ignorant people who probably do not have a full understanding of the current sensitivities of the country and society, or maybe they have published such provocative clips just to be seen in the virtual space, and take a step in the direction of their thoughts and opinions.