The reaction of the Ministry of Labor to Fars Man’s survey about the minimum wage/27% increase was the complete consensus of the members of the Supreme Labor Council

According to the economic correspondent of Fars News Agency, the audience of the news agency in the Fars section of Man has registered a campaign entitled “Request to cancel the 1402 wage resolution” and demanded the cancellation of the minimum wage resolution for workers in 1402.
In this campaign, which has so far received about 38 thousand signatures, the audience addressed the president and wrote: “The honorable President of the Republic, Mr. Hojjatul Islam Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi, considering that Article 41 of the Labor Law obliges the Supreme Labor Council to set the minimum wage for workers. Based on two criteria, “inflation rate” and “household livelihood basket”, and this year the Supreme Labor Council has approved an unfair figure for the minimum wage of workers in 1402, regardless of these two criteria, we workers are the backbone of the country’s production. We request your Excellency as the guardian and enforcer of the law, while canceling this illegal resolution, to provide the ground for the re-establishment of wage determination meetings in accordance with the legal obligations in Article 41 of the Labor Law.
After registering this campaign, the Ministry of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare has announced in response to this demand registered in Fars Man: Setting the minimum wage is within the scope of the duties of the Supreme Labor Council and the Ministry of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare is alone in it. It does not play a role.
In this statement, the Ministry of Cooperatives states: According to Article 41 of the Labor Law, the decision-making authority regarding the determination of the minimum wage and the increase of other wage levels is the Supreme Labor Council. In addition to representatives of executive bodies, representatives of labor and employer organizations are also members.
In another part of the statement of the Ministry of Cooperation, it is stated: According to Article 41 of the Labor Law, this council is obliged to determine the minimum wage based on tripartism and bargaining and taking into consideration the conditions of the requirements. In the 314th meeting of the Supreme Labor Council, after discussing and reviewing the determination of the minimum wage in 1402, it was approved by consensus and all members, including labor and employer representatives, with a determination of 27% to increase the minimum wage. They signed the minutes of the meeting. It is hoped that in the year of curbing inflation and production growth, with the efforts of all elements of work and production, inflation will decrease and the purchasing power of workers will be maintained.
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