Banking and insuranceEconomical

The report of the Research Center on the strengths and weaknesses of the Samat Central Bank system

According to Iran Economist, central bank In the last two or three years, he has designed a system to monitor the performance of banks in the field of granting facilities. The Centralized System of Information, Facilities and Commitments (SMAT) helps the central bank to monitor the implementation of its regulatory rules and regulations with more transparency and comprehensiveness.

In this regard, the Majlis Research Center has reviewed the functions and functions of the Samat system in a report. In part of this report it is stated:

Samat system Information Related to the facilities and obligations of the banking network Collect and shares between them. Suppliers The information of the Samat system is of banks and credit institutions, and the central bank, validation companies and authorized natural and legal persons use the data of the

Information Available in the Samat system can be divided into three categories Information The applicant, the bank and the facility were divided. items Information Each The categories in the Samat system are listed in the table below. It is worth mentioning that the Samat system is a registration system Information is current

So alone Information Currently, the facilities granted by banks and credit institutions are registered in this system Immediately After completing the facility repayment process, Information related to the removal of facilities from the system and as Backup is maintained.

As mentioned Information Aggregated in a centralized system Information Facilities and obligations, based on Information It is received from banks through the web service method. this Information necessarily as It is not extracted directly from the centralized systems of banks (Banking Core), so it may have deficiencies.

In this section, a general review of the current situation Implementationprogress and future plans of the centralized system Information Facilities and obligations will be paid according to the relevant laws and regulations. As discussed in the section of the rules and regulations related to the Samat system, the duties stipulated in regulations Prevention of the accumulation of non-current claims in the second chapter of paragraph “H” The various parts of the Samat system have been investigated and the most comprehensive regulation regarding the centralized system Information Perceived facilities and obligations will be.

Therefore, in this part of the report, only the assignments of the provisions of the subject regulations The prevention of the accumulation of non-current claims, approved in 2017, has been investigated. Based on Article (35) regulations Preventing the accumulation of non-current claims, Implementation The new version of the centralized system Information The facilities and obligations have started on June 25, 2018 in the central bank.

At present, all banks and credit institutions, after obtaining a unique identifier for each facility item, Information Send it in the Samat system Update they do. The latest status of system implementation up to the date of review of this report is given in the table below.

1-7. Incomplete inclusion of the system

Facilities that are not registered in the SAMAT system, facilities granted by banks and non-bank credit institutions in the form of credit cards. they pay They are not registered in the Samat system, but in another system called Makna (credit supervision control center) accumulationIt will be. Considering that a significant part of the small payment facility is done in the form of a credit card, this defect of the Samat system is considered a serious defect. will be. As shown in FigYazan Credit card has grown by 72% during the first half of 1400

2-7. Absence of some items Information Important in the system

Although Since the Implementation The system of facilities and obligations of the banking network during different years items Information Available in the system has increased, but still some items Information Required for various policy and precautionary purposes, it is not available in the system. Some of these Information is as follows:

Information Installments to be paid, including the number, amount and time of payment of installments

Information the timing of repayments,

Information Number and amount of unpaid installments

• Details related to the allocation of facilities (the approval of which bank the facility has been paid, the details of the approver and payment custodian)

3-7. Lack of verification of information

As mentioned earlier, Information Inserted in the Samat system, it is a claim that the bank that declares to the central bank. As a rule, the validity of this statement depends on Validation And checking the accuracy of these data is done by the central bank. Since such evaluation is not done by the central bank and intersection with other systems Information The country also happened do not fallthe truth of this Information It is a place for serious reflection.

4-7. Failure to send Information Enough by the banks

Due to The lack of registration of facilities in the system does not guarantee sufficient implementation, it is natural that some facilities are not registered in the Samat system, which is confirmed by the investigations carried out and some banks refuse to send the full amount. Information Facilities and commitments to the centralized system Information They refuse facilities and commitments.

5-7. Lack of integration Information Facilities and obligations

The existence of multiple systems and staying scattered Information Produced in Each of systems leading to reduced effectiveness Information It has been made in line with the promotion of policies, so it is necessary to have related systems in the central bank Integration and finally Information A credit from different systems should be consolidated in one system (for example, Samat). In addition Instead of banks in four systems Information enter the following, Integration The systems make it possible to register Information In one system, this issue should be shared in the rest of the central bank’s systems.

8. Factors leading to non-completion of the Samat system

According to Article (18) of the Sixth Five-Year Development Plan, the Central Bank is obliged to Setting up and implementing the system up to end of It was the first year of the program (2016). Also, according to Article (35) AYin Letter to prevent the accumulation of claims non currentCentralized banking system Information Facilities and obligations must be completed by the end of 2018. While this system as It has not been fully implemented and has not been established in the country’s banking network.

Factors that lead to the failure to complete the centralized system Information The facilities and commitments made can be given to the internal agents of the central bank and external agents of the central bank Taqsdid

*Conclusion and suggestions

According to the discussions that were shown in this report, for various reasons, including improving the quality of prudential supervision, credit risk management and also improving credit policy, it is necessary to complete the SAMAT system and it is necessary until the results are achieved by the executive bodies of the country and in Headed by the Central Bank.

plus On the issues related to the list of legal and regulatory tasks and the evaluation of their implementation status as well Difficulties And the shortcomings of the implementation of the Samat system were brought up, which should be implemented by the Central Bank and by Parliament be monitored, in the previous section, a point of approach to the Samat system was also stated, which may raise the question for the reader, which approach is correct and recommended to be followed by executive bodies?

To answer this question, the following points should be considered: order to Strengthening the guarantee of the implementation of the rules governing the granting of facilities and acceptance of obligations by credit institutions and the creation of Balance sheets Healthy and with little credit risk for banks, it should not be based on the design of the system in such a way that the bank as Technically, it was focused to face limitations in the payment of facilities, but it is necessary to supervise the central bank on prudential ratios such as capital adequacy, saving Doubtful receivables and ultimately dealing with delinquent banks should be improved. In this structure, besides maintaining the authority to grant facilities and separating the real entrepreneur from rent seekersfor the board Management and shareholders, responsibility in case of acceptance of risk comes.

2. According to the previous point, it is necessary conditioning Paying facilities or creating obligations (or granting ID) in accordance with regulations Preventing the accumulation of non-current claims depends on the bank’s “inquiry” regarding bounced checks or non-current claims, not if there are non-current claims or bounced checks. T The bank cannot receive the ID of the facility. conditioning Receive the facility should only be completed Information identity and economy of the customer, and of course for state banks and related parties Provisions They should be maximum.

3. Another point is that these limits can be defined not for the customer, but for the bank. as For example, if a bank has a capital adequacy ratio lower than the minimum standard, the possibility of providing facilities and granting facility ID should be limited to it. plus On the above points, which are considered points of approachNedThe following suggestions are recommended for upgrading the Samat system:

1. Definition of a strong implementation guarantee for the registration of facilities by banks in the system: in this regard, it is possible to propose the approval of a regulation with the following coordinates:

Requiring all banks and non-banking credit institutions to register all Riyal and foreign currency facilities and credits in the Samat system and defining the guarantee of criminal execution for delinquent natural persons and setting fines for delinquent banks and non-banking credit institutions in proportion to the amount of unregistered facilities or credits.

▪ Definition of a whistle-blowing mechanism for reporters of non-registration of facilities or credits in the system

2. In this system, the central bank should receive in addition to the reference Information To the accreditation and validation authority of this Information and convert it into valid data. This offer requires intersection from other systems and conducting in-person inspections and supervisions Based on It is a risk.

3. Optimal use of Information Produced in the Samat system is another suggestion for the beneficiaries and various surrounding areas such as banks, which helps to increase the effectiveness and achieve the goals of the system. as Specify aggregation Information All banks in the system if they publish reports containing Information The risk situation in the banking network or different sectors is accompanied and made available to the public or the banking network as the case may be, it can play an important role in preventing the creation of non-current claims.

Currently, the only report produced by the central bank using Information This system is a report of payment facilities to different economic sectors seems does not arrive Compared with Information Available in the system, be sufficient.

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