The second phase of organizing the village of Qalaji in Javanroud is being done

According to Aria Heritage report, citing the public relations of Kermanshah’s General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts, Pooya Talebnia announced this news on Thursday, January 29, and stated: Qalaji village is one of the main villages of Horaman / Oramant global region, which has been registered as an arena.
The director of Horaman/Uramant Global Cultural Landscape Base added: 200 million Tomans have been allocated for the implementation of the second phase of the restoration and organization of this village.
He continued: In the first phase, with a credit of 477 million Tomans, a part of the operation of organizing this village was done last year, and another part of it will be completed this year.
Talebnia clarified: The main goals of this project, which is one of the main policies of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Kermanshah and Horaman/Uramanat World Base, in addition to removing deprivation from the less privileged villages of this region, is to introduce new tourism axes in the world heritage of Horaman/Uramanat cultural landscape. .
He added: organizing the valuable tissues of the region and introducing the pristine villages of Horaman/Uramanat for the presence of tourists is one of the main policies of the base.
The director of Horaman/Uramanat Global Cultural Landscape Base said: This policy and approach is being done to create optimal economic conditions and create new business and optimal use of Horaman/Uramanat global registration brand for the sustainable economic development of the residents of this region.
He emphasized: In the future, with the completion of the organization of this village and other pristine and valuable villages of this axis, the attractions of the region will be well introduced and organized for the presence of tourists.
Qalaji village is located on the path of Laila permanent river and in the Kalash axis of Javanroud city.
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