Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

The structural transformation of Saderat Bank will accelerate after the capital increase

According to financial news, Mohsen Seifi, the CEO of Saderat Bank of Iran, in a meeting with the heads of branches and branches of the bank in Qazvin province, focused on attracting stable sources, observing credit health, resolving branch imbalances, trying to collect claims, seriously avoiding turning obligations into facilities and He emphasized the implementation of the bank’s structural transformation and announced the bank’s plans to speed up reforms in the financial structure.

Seifi, in the second comprehensive provincial trip of the management team of this bank, while visiting some production companies, visiting some branches and meeting with a veteran colleague of the bank, with the presence of the members of the board of directors and the bank’s executive board in the presence of the heads of branches and districts as well as bank managers in Qazvin province. He explained the financial structure of the bank in the past years and noted that in order to reach the high position of the bank, agility and optimization should be implemented in the branches and branches of the bank with greater strength and the delay in structural transformation should be compensated more quickly.

The CEO of Saderat Bank of Iran has announced the launch of a digital banking platform in the coming months until the end of the year, stressing on compliance with credit health and compliance with the ratio of expenses to resources of the branches, and emphasized: With the launch of this platform, we will witness the withdrawal of bank branches.

He mentioned the holding of the bank’s capital increase assembly and passing through the difficulties of obtaining various licenses from various authorities and announced the increase of the bank’s capital multiple times following the operationalization of the next stages of the capital increase from the place of revaluation of assets in the coming months.

In another part of his speech, Seifi explained the actions and plans of the bank for the welfare of employees, including medical issues and solving the problem of Sarmad Insurance shareholders.

Gurban Eskandari, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Saderat Bank of Iran also thanked the efforts of his colleagues in this province and said: Considering the experience of more than seven decades of financial and banking services, Saderat Bank of Iran has made an outstanding contribution to financing the economic infrastructure of the country and today Saderat Bank of Iran in the province Qazvin, with the cooperation of its hardworking employees, is the source of many services to the economy and people of this province.

Mehdi Iqbalirad, a member of the board of directors of Bank Saderat Iran, also explained the economic capacities and potentials of this province in this meeting and said: Qazvin province has various industrial towns and an industrial city that brings together various industries and is a very good opportunity for marketing and should be This capacity was used especially by currency units in the industrial areas of this province. The financing of large companies from the capacity of the capital market, including Sukuk bonds and Gam bonds, should also be helped.

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