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The success of launching 200 election channels with a few conditions/be demanding – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

Davoud Nemati, a member of the academic staff and associate professor of Sedavasima University, told Mehr reporter about the merits and demerits of launching 200 election channels in Sedavasima: I don’t know exactly how these 200 channels are going to be launched and what is their structure? Are these channels different from the current networks or will they be from the same networks? Of course, I think they are most likely a subset of provincial networks.

He added: I am not very aware of the details of the channels’ activity day and night, but the point is that these channels should be provided in terms of technical, infrastructure and content in such a way that a good level of coverage is provided for the programs. Also, in terms of audience access, there should be no problem in terms of reception and the quality of the images should be good. Of course, as far as I know, technically, these things have been foreseen and I don’t think it poses any challenge.

Projecting the existing realities of each region of the country in election channels

In response to how the content of the channels should be provided in order to bring the audience with them, Nemati explained: in terms of content, if they can deal with the realities of the electoral areas that each of these channels cover and stream them to A type that is based on people’s needs and wants can be considered a good experience for radio and television.

He added: I think that according to the technical capacities that I see in the radio and television and the professional human resources that are in Tehran and other centers, if this story is carefully planned, it will be a good thing and the audience will be happy. accompanies

Channels that can be an important source of information for people

This university professor said about what should be done so that these channels are not just a platform for the candidates, he said: it seems that the infrastructure has been planned and it seems that this can be achieved if certain points are followed, and because these channels are special Elections are two approaches, first, an approach related to the candidates and the programs they want to present to the target society, and second, an approach in accordance with the people’s view. In fact, what is more important is that providing content should be based on the realities and needs of society. The audience should be sure that the national media, as their representative, has the role of demanding from the candidates and can do it well, if this is the case, these networks can be important sources of information for the people and an important reference for guiding their awareness and mobility. to be

The former Director General of Public Relations of Sedavasima stated: It should be avoided that these channels are just platforms for election candidates. If a platform is given, the media’s demanding role should be highlighted and the programs should have an analytical and reasoning approach. In this case, the credibility of the audience towards the messages increases. In providing content, one should pay more attention to the needs of the audience and even consider their concerns in different regions of the country.

Iqbal people of the project in case of demand

Nemati reminded about the impact of this project on the audience of the radio and television: if this project is carried out well and successfully and the audience feels that the media as their representative has a demanding role, it will be noticed by the people of every region and the results and consequences will surely The next step will be the increase in the credibility of the media, which of course depends on those conditions and ifs.

To be successful in setting up 200 election channels with several conditions/demanding

He answered that how will the impact of this plan be on the image of the organization’s performance in the field of elections? He reminded: Sedavasima has already tried to show this role of demanding in presidential election campaigns, and if you observe the election programs from the 80s onwards, the people’s interest in election programs is more because media justice has been observed. In these programs, the media showed that it was not biased towards the candidates and tried to ask the people’s questions and leave the judgment to them. If the same thing happens in the capitals of the provinces, it will be favored and it will definitely have an impact on the image that the audience faces of the media today, and it will make the media play its main role, which is far from tasteful orientations. to see

The academic staff member and associate professor of Sedavasima University further pointed out other consequences of the proper implementation of such plans and added: If this plan is implemented well based on goal-based planning, which is one of the planning models in the field of media, a good image of Professional media performance is provided; An image that can increase the awareness role of the media and the credibility of the audience towards the transmitted message increases and does not catch the guard.

Use of competent presenters to talk with candidates

He stated about the supposed harms and challenges of such a plan: since the plan has not yet been implemented and it is being implemented for the first time, we should wait for the programs to go on the air and then make a detailed assessment of the pathology and existing challenges. But one of the most important supposed harms is that these networks are merely platforms for election candidates in producing and publishing content and cannot fulfill their demanding role well.

Nemati made some suggestions in this regard and said: Sedavsima produces these programs so that people can see them, become sensitive to the programs of the candidates and choose the best ones. I, the candidate, may make promises that the media needs to analyze and reason in order to help choose the best. I suggest that Sedavsima should use competent presenters for these programs, we have good presenters who have good knowledge and information capacity and can participate in conversations, and by the way, these conversations can also bring good credit to the national media. The audience’s sense of the representative who questions the candidates also increases.

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