
The survivors of equity shares should read / What are the conditions for receiving a loan with equity equity? – Tejarat News

According to Tejarat News, the value of equity shares is not the same and it increases or decreases under the influence of market fluctuations. For example, the real value of equity shares with an initial value of one million tomans was 18,780,000 tomans on March 20 of last year, while the price These shares had decreased to 14 million and 700 thousand Tomans on July 16 of this year. The shares that were worth more than 20 million Tomans in the first days of the release of equity shares, i.e. May and June of 1400. At first, equity shares were 1,000,000 million tomans, which became 500 shares over time.

The Privatization Organization announced by issuing a notice: In view of the resolution of the Supreme Council of the Stock Exchange regarding the deposit of the remaining equity dividend with this organization to the account of the Central Depository of Securities and Funds Settlement Company, it hereby informs all respected shareholders, “Profit The performance of non-stock companies related to the years 1398, 1399 and 1400” as well as “the remaining unallocated profit related to the years before liberalization (before 1399)” have been deposited to the account of the respected shareholders of Adalat shares to the account of the said company.

Therefore, the Central Securities Depository and Funds Settlement Company will deposit the second stage of dividends related to the performance of 1400 Adalat stock exchange companies at the same time as depositing the dividends with this organization to the accounts of the respected shareholders.

Based on this, from the total amount deposited by the mentioned company, the amount of 255 thousand tomans for the shareholders of one million tomans and the amount of 135 thousand tomans for the shareholders of 532 thousand tomans is related to the profit deposited by the privatization organization.

The CEO of the Central Securities Depository Company said: equity shares are used as endorsements, and currently people borrow from banks with the endorsement of equity shares. Two national banks and Tejarat provide facilities with the endorsement of equity shares.

Shareholders can receive benefits with the value of their shares

In August of last year, the electronic verification system (Hoshmand Setareh) was launched and it was decided that the shareholders could receive facilities with the value of their shares, and in fact, their shares would become collateral for bank loans, and even beyond that, the possibility of issuing a pledge of shares for Judicial institutions should be provided, but after a year since the launch of this system, banks still do not want to endorse the shares, while equity shares were supposed to play the role of collateral so that their owners can use bank loans.

“Mohammed Baghestani”, CEO of the Central Depository of Securities and Funds Settlement Company (SAMAT), said about the cooperation of banks with the Star system for pledging shares and paying facilities with this collateral: Currently, many banks are negotiating to use this system. are the system and some banks also use this authentication.

Stating that even private banks are negotiating to use the Star system and use this possibility, he said: Some banks are implementing this service in their systems. But how valuable and attractive this possibility is from a business point of view, and how banks should implement this service depends on the respective bank’s own policies.

The managing director of Central Depository Company continued: Currently, a significant population of real and legal customers, of course, especially legal ones, want to use this service, and this can be considered a good tool for banks.

In response to the question of how much the value of these shares should be in order to bequeath shares and how much the value floor is considered, Baghestani emphasized: There is no floor for the value of shares in the validation system, and the minimum value is determined according to the banks’ strategy. Based on that, it is possible to consider the amount of shares as collateral for a certain number of facilities, and as a rule, the number will be different for each 30 banks, and each bank will consider a specific number of the value of shares for each loan.

The managing director of the central depository company also said about the possibility of using the endorsement of equity shares, although its value is not a significant number: equity shares are used as endorsements, and currently people are borrowing from banks with the endorsement of equity shares. Two banks, Melli and Tejarat, provide facilities with the endorsement of equity shares, but of course, from the perspective of the economic policies that the Ministry of Economy assigns, the loans are given to the owners of these shares with the endorsement of equity shares by these two banks.

Conditions for receiving equity loan

All equity holders can get this loan. Both those who chose the direct method to sell their shares and those who chose the indirect method.

– The first condition to receive this loan is to have an account in National Bank. After that, applicants can apply for a loan through bank applications.

– The second condition is that the applicant must have a national smart card.

– Registration in the Sejam system and authentication is another important condition.

-Also, only people who have not sold any shares of their equity portfolio can receive Bank Melli’s equity loan. If the beneficiaries have sold even one share of their portfolio, they cannot get the loan.

– People whose equity shares are confiscated are not able to receive loans.

Source: Tomorrow

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