The survivors of equity shares were determined – Tejaratnews

According to Tejarat News, 10 million tomans of justice shares will be given to 3.5 million people from the relief committee, the welfare organization and the first 3 tenths of the martyrs.
The members of the Supreme Executive Council of the General Policies of Article 44 of the Constitution of Allocation of Justice Shares to 3,500,000 People agreed with the allocation of 10 million Tomans of Equity Shares to 3,500,000 people from the Relief Committee, Welfare Organization and the first 3 tenths of martyrs.
According to this approval, 10 million Tomans of shares will be given to each eligible person in installments with a 50% discount.
With whom is the priority of depositing equity shares?
According to this report, according to the approval letter of the Board of Ministers, the people covered by the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee, the Welfare Organization of the whole country and his three tithes, the martyrs will be paid in priority. Justice shares are.
In the first stage, the privatization organization is obliged to transfer the remaining shares belonging to the government in transferable companies (from the shares of Bank Tejarat, Bank Saderat, Bank Mellat, Shipping of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries) to these individuals. slow
It was previously announced that the amount of shares assigned to each beneficiary is equivalent to a maximum of 10 million Tomans with a 50% discount in annual installments for 10 years.
Time to release equity shares
Also, the head of the Securities and Exchange Organization explained the latest status of equity shares. According to Mohid Eshghi, the decision regarding equity shares has not been finalized yet. Assemblies of provincial investment companies should be held. It is not possible to hold these assemblies with the presence of one to two percent of shareholders, because the assembly will not be recognized.
He continued: Each of the provincial investment companies has a large scale and a large market value. There should be a formula to increase the participation of people in corporate meetings. After holding the meetings of the board of directors, assignments should be determined and changed. It took time to solve this problem, and if it is solved, the symbols will be reopened after holding the assemblies.
The head of the Stock Exchange and Securities Organization added: In this regard, a mechanism is being considered, according to which the subject of equity shares will be able to represent the presence in the assembly to another person, including a natural or legal person.
Eshghi stated that the meaning of the release of equity shares is that the shares are no longer in the hands of the government and said: the installments of equity shares have been fully paid to the government. This stock is not pledged by anyone, but it is not possible to sell it. If we make it possible to sell equity shares for everyone, due to the large number of shareholders and the small size of the shares, there will be heavy selling pressure on 35 equity stock exchange companies.
He emphasized: while the philosophy of equity shares is not to sell, but to use the benefits of these shares in the long term. The interests of ownership and management are in the hands of the people. Direct shareholders can participate in meetings in person. In fact, everyone has shareholder interests, they just cannot sell their shares.