The sweet aroma of the desert food industry reaches beyond the borders

Human creations in every ecosystem, from historical, natural and handicrafts to food and souvenirs, are the irreplaceable and unique capacities of the region that must be protected, and regardless of the tourist attractions, they also represent the identity and lifestyle of the people of that region. It is said that it will sweeten the palate of the residents of other regions of Iran and the world.
Regardless of the presence of tourists in each region to learn about these manifestations of the lifestyle of each region, the establishment of internal and external exhibitions is one of the most important origins of the manifestation of the corners of these subcultures, and of course, the development of employment and businesses related to them.
Therefore, the unique abilities and sweet taste of the souvenirs of Diyar Kariman such as kolompe, qavot, komach sehen and other production products related to the field of agriculture have been presented at the 30th International Agrofood Exhibition 2023 in the capital, where 13 specialized companies have presented these unique capabilities of the desert to the people of Iran and They introduce the world.
Despite having 25% of the country’s gardens, Kerman province has the largest capacity for food production, transformation and processing of agricultural products in the country, and products such as pistachios, dates, walnuts, jaleez and citrus fruits are grown in Kerman province, which Being able to introduce new products from the gardens of this province to the world in connection with the industry.
For example, products such as Klumpeh, Qawot, Kamach Sahn Diyar Keriman are taken from the agricultural area of this region, which has been rooted in the tradition of the people of this region for many years, and there is less tourism that comes to Kerman and the taste of Qawot (Qawto in Kermani dialect) and has not tasted Klumpe Kermani; And these are other than the traditional foods of this country.
The unique capacities of agriculture on the one hand and the produced food and souvenirs of this province on the other hand point out the necessity of introducing, developing and dealing with the food industries of this province and the place of development of investment in this sector; Industries that, if supported, can have an impact on various fields of tourism, economy, export and employment in the region.
Experts believe that the food and processing industries of Diyar Kariman are in line with the capacities of this province in the world and even in the country, which should not be found, and there is still a place to work and introduce it.
For this purpose, 13 specialized companies of Kerman province related to the fields of food industry, with the support of the provincial industrial estates company, Khane Samat and the food industry association, in a space of 300 square meters, will present the diverse output of the food industries of Kerman province in a specialized pavilion (structure) to the people of Iran and They were introduced all over the world so that the sweet aroma of Kermani food can be smelled among the enthusiasts, even in the farthest parts of the world.
In this article you will read:
The presence of the Kerman food industry chain
The Secretary General of Kerman Province’s House of Industry, Mining and Trade explained about the participation of Kerman’s food industries in this exhibition as a group: This method of participation in the exhibition, which has been experienced before, aims to focus on the strength of Kerman Province’s companies with the aim of better introduction to visitors and activists. This area is done.
Kian Sidi continued to IRNA’s reporter: One of the objectives of the exhibition is branding and introduction of companies. It seems that our companies and brands in the province have not traveled much in this field.
He stated: The presence of a chain can both mean the transfer of experience between company owners and provide an opportunity for the applicant to cooperate with the food industry of Kerman province to get acquainted with other products of this province.
A 2-fold increase in the presence of Kermanis
The vice president of Kerman Province Food Industry Association also said: The pavilion of the 30th international exhibition of agriculture, food, machinery and related industries of the Food Industry Association (Agrofood) was held at the initiative of the Kerman Province Food Industry Association and this year 13 companies from this group The province participated in the exhibition.
In an interview with IRNA reporter, Hamed Badr Abadi added: Kermani companies present at the Agrofood exhibition were among the top industries of the province, and this year was Kerman’s second experience in this international exhibition, and the number of Kermani companies from seven companies in last year’s 70m, this year to 13 cases reached about 300 meters.
There are many jobs in Kerman’s food industry
He said: Kerman is a province with many capacities in the fields of agriculture and mining, and the capacities of the agricultural field of Diyar Keriman have made the side industries of this field very active.
Vice President of Kerman Province Food Industries Association said: Products related to dates, pistachios and jalizi products were presented in this exhibition, but it seems that there is still a lot of work in different aspects of the food industry of this province because investors are still willing to They do not invest in these areas.
He continued: The purpose of forming a pavilion at the Tehran International Exhibition was to grow small and medium-sized companies and to be active in branding so that they are seen by the world and the country, and at least we can improve the level of activity of these companies from the activity stage. Promote the province to the national level.
Badrabadi added: This pavilion also had goals such as the growth of food industry companies in Kerman province, while we should attract investors according to the agricultural, tourism, industrial, mining and human resources capacities of Kerman province.
Capacities that need to be introduced in the world
In response, what capacities are there in the field of food industry in Kerman province that need to be introduced at the national and global level? He said: We have a good capacity in agricultural side industries and special traditional products, traditional cookies and klumpeh, Qavoot, dried fruit and products related to pistachios, dates and dairy products, production of medicinal plants, rose water and rose buds, which companies in the exhibition between Tehran International, they were displayed.
Vice President of Kerman Province Food Industry Association said: Agrofood is the largest agricultural industry exhibition in the country, which has a good position in the field of production and distribution, and a part of one of the halls of this exhibition was allocated to Kerman, and this part was well received.
He stated: During the visit of provincial and national officials and interviews with the participants, everyone was satisfied with the performance of Kerman in this exhibition, and I hope that next year more food industry companies will participate to increase the neglected capacity of Kerman’s food industry sector. be introduced at the national and international levels.
According to IRNA, the 30th International Exhibition of Agriculture, Food, Machinery and Related Industries of Tehran (Agrofood) was held from 26 to 29 June 1402 (yesterday) with the presence of activists from 15 countries of the world at Tehran Exhibitions.
The head of Kerman Governorate’s Economic Affairs Coordinating Deputy also said during the visit to the “Agrofood 2023” international exhibition: Kerman province’s production units offer exclusive products, which need to be introduced both in the province and in the country.
Amir Hassanzadeh stated: Kerman was the only province that participated in this exhibition as a group, and we take this as a good omen.
The head of economic deputy of Kerman governorate further stated: Some of these production units present at the 30th “Agrofood 2023” exhibition spoke about the initial price increase and currency-related issues, and support will be distributed to them within the legal framework.
Hassanzadeh pointed out that the key to success in today’s economy is teamwork and cooperation, and said: There are two paradises of agriculture and mining in Kerman. Determine the province and country.