The system for transferring the shares of the deceased will be unveiled tomorrow – Tejaratnews

The special assistant and adviser to the head of the stock exchange organization in equity affairs said: The system for transferring the shares of the deceased to their heirs will be unveiled tomorrow, Monday, November 15, at the opening ceremony of the 10th Kish Stock Exchange, Bank, Insurance and Privatization International Exhibition.
According to Tejarat News, Mehdi Hajivand added: With the unveiling of the system for transferring the shares of the deceased under the name “Mirat”, the concerns of about 15 million heirs of the deceased’s equity shares will be resolved after about 18 years.
He stated: According to the announcement of the Central Depository Company, the heirs of the deceased equity holders in the first stage of this national plan can refer to selected branches of brokerage companies across the country.
The special assistant and advisor to the head of the stock exchange organization in the affairs of equity shares emphasized: the heirs of equity shares should go to the portal of the beneficiaries of the capital market at the address And to know the latest news and events of this national project, refer to the official media.
I have to say; According to the latest information, more than 3,700,000 equity shareholders have died since 2004, and the necessary infrastructure has been provided to determine the assignment of the shares of the deceased, and tomorrow, with the unveiling of the legacy system, this national plan will enter the operational stage.
The 10th International Stock Exchange, Bank, Insurance and Privatization Exhibition and introducing the country’s investment opportunities will be held on November 15-18 at the Kish Island International Exhibition Center.
Source: Senate