The Taliban have rejected a New York Times report on the killing of Afghan troops

According to IRNA’s TOLOnews, Taliban deputy spokesman Anamullah Samangani said such reports were baseless, untrue and biased.
He added: “The New York Times report aims to create pessimism and hatred between the government and the people of Afghanistan.”
The New York Times reported in a recent report claiming that it had taken seven months to prepare, that the Taliban had carried out massive retaliatory killings against former government employees and members of Afghanistan’s former security forces, contrary to a pardon.
The New York Times reports that the Taliban have killed or abducted about 500 government employees and former members of the security forces in the six months since they took office.
According to the report, in Baghlan province alone, 86 former militants have been killed by the group in the first six months of the Taliban’s rule, with the highest number of disappearances recorded in Kandahar province.