Banking and insuranceEconomical

The view of Sanat and Mine Bank is a scientific and specialized view of production

According to the financial news report, citing the public relations of Sanat and Mine Bank, Ali Khorsandian, who has traveled to Kermanshah and Ilam provinces on a two-day trip, together with the administrative staff of Kermanshah province, congratulated his colleagues on the arrival of government week and employee’s day. He congratulated himself and while appreciating the efforts of the value-creating colleagues of this bank, he said: The main approach of the bank should be to achieve optimal profitability, manage costs and attract cheap resources.

He considered the most effective solution to the country’s economic problems to be specialized financing and extensive support for the production sector and said: We should not wait for the lifting of sanctions to solve the country’s economic problems. We should pay attention to the production units that were created and built with national funds. The operation of each production unit is the beginning of the work and it is important to have an effective presence with the manufacturers and artisans throughout the activity and to use all the power and capacity of the bank to assist them.

The managing director of Sanat and Mine Bank stated: In line with digital banking and open banking, good facilities and infrastructure have been created in Sanat and Mine Bank, and our expectation from the production units that receive facilities from this bank is that the concentration and financial circulation Transfer your accounts to this bank.

Khorsandian continued: There is a solution for all the country’s economic problems, and the condition is to overcome the problems, work around the clock, tirelessness, struggle, self-confidence, faith and trust in God, and over the past year, the government has witnessed the unity of action and the initiation of measures. We are good for economic reforms and solving structural problems, and each of us, as servants and trustees of the people, must implement the macro policies of the government in our organization, and we have no duty but to serve the people.

Referring to the formation of the research, planning and productivity committee in the bank, he added: The purpose of the formation of this committee is to establish a comprehensive and effective communication between the bank’s experts and specialists with the elite society, academics, reference groups and economic and social activists and specialized and scientific review. More production plans.

The Managing Director of Sanat and Mine Bank expressed his hope that with the appropriate approach and consensus with managers and human capital experts in other banks, participating in work-related seminars and holding continuous meetings with the members of the coordination council of the banks regarding the improvement of the standard of living of colleagues are also effective measures. Good results will be achieved.

He also pointed to the importance of the role of branches in the development and realization of the bank’s goals, and emphasized the need for continuous communication between the line forces and the headquarters, and the timely response of the headquarters forces to the branches and the branches to the headquarters, and said: the plans, goals and policies of the bank It has been prepared and compiled with great care and efforts of all managers and experts, and we expect to achieve the best results in the implementation phase with the participation of appropriate efforts and the interaction of all employees.

The CEO of Sanat and Mine Bank reminded: Appropriate infrastructures have been created in order to use the latest technology and technologies of the banking industry in this bank to provide new banking services to customers, and it is necessary for the colleagues in the branches to learn how to use and exploit these elite facilities. have complete and use these tools to attract new customers and provide better service to older customers and increase the share of fee income.

Khorsandian also emphasized the need for proper and constructive interaction with provincial officials and those involved in production and said: The key to solving many problems is to listen to the voices of the people and producers, examine the dimensions of the problems and then think of solutions based on knowledge and experience.

In the end, he considered the intelligent effort and continuous effort and seriousness of the employees as an important factor in establishing the effective position of Sanat and Mine Bank in the banking system and the production sector of the country and expressed his hope with the strengthening of the strengths and advantages of the bank and the continuous support of the people’s government and institutions. The support can maintain and elevate this position.

In this meeting, Hossein Askari, a member of the board of directors of this bank, once again emphasized the importance of paying attention to customers and said: the basis of the existence concept of the bank is the existence of the customer, so the goal of all our activities should be to create a sense of belonging to the bank in the customer and his satisfaction. .

He pointed out that the key to the success of provincial managers is continuous communication and the transfer and application of different experiences. If a manager is successful in improving the bank’s performance indicators in a province, other managers should benefit from his knowledge and experience and continuously learn and strive. .

In this ceremony, the CEO of Sanat and Mine Bank introduced Farshid Rador Zanganeh as the provincial manager and head of the Kermanshah branch and praised the efforts of Mohammad Kalantari, the former director of this province, who during his management, many industrial and mining projects in the province were put into operation. It has arrived, appreciated.

Among the mentioned plans, 15 production plans can be mentioned, 11 of which have been put into operation with a total facility of 18 thousand billion Rials, and 4 plans with a facility of 14 thousand billion Rials are being implemented.

Farshid Rador Zanganeh, the new manager of Kermanshah province, has also managed the Hamedan province and the head of the Hamedan branch before this position.

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