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The visit of cultural heritage reporters to the eighth season of the archaeological excavations of the Uzbek site

According to the Arya Heritage report, citing the public relations of the Cultural Heritage and Tourism Research Institute, on November 30, 1402, during this visit, the members of the archeology board explained the process and findings of this season of exploration.

The Uzbek site includes 6 hills named Yan Tepe, Jiran Tepe, Dushan Tepe, Gomosh Tepe, Maral Tepe and also the Uzbek high hill (Madi Fortress) is one of the valuable historical ancient sites of Iran located in Nazarabad city, one of the cities of Alborz province.

According to the excavations, the Uzbek area includes 6 thousand years of prehistoric and early historical Iranian cultural remains from the first half of the seventh millennium to the first half of the first millennium BC, which is the era of the Medes.

The name Uzbek is derived from a village with the same name, which was probably “Yuz Begi” from the Safavid period onwards, and with the passage of time it was changed to “Uz Begi” and “Uzbek”. This important ancient site was registered as number 955 in the list of national monuments in 1352.

Now, the 9,000-year-old man-made clay, discovered in the Uzbek hill, is kept at the United Nations headquarters.

The discovery of architecture probably belonging to the Achaemenid period in Dushan Tepe Uzbeki

Mehrdad Malekzadeh, the head of the archeology committee of the eighth chapter of the exploration of the Uzbek site, among the journalists of the cultural heritage field, called one of the important periods of history and culture before the Persian Achaemenid period as the period of the Medes and said: The Medes 2 are a government center in Western Iran at the foot of Alvand mountain named Hegmataneh and Another one was in Rey, the successor of the city of Tehran today, and according to the Greek texts that exist, Rey was the largest city and cultural center of the Medes, and Hegmatane was their only political capital.

He considered the period of the Medes to be one of the least known periods in the history of ancient Iran, after which the history of the Achaemenid Empire was born, and he stated: the archeology of the period of the Medes is subject to problems, and dogmatically, there is still no clear answer to the existing questions as expected by archaeologists. has not given, since 60-70 years ago, the standard sites of the Medes period, including Godin Tepe, Babajan Tepe, Noushijan, have been excavated, and it has provided enough information in terms of the cultural development of the Iron Age 3, according to archaeologists, and the Medes period, according to historians.

This archaeologist stated that the question of archaeologists has always been how the cultural materials of the eastern regions, centered on Ray, could be, and added: Ancient Ray has been swallowed up under the city of Tehran, and it is practically impossible to follow archaeological activities in it, and it is not possible to obtain much information about it. And he bought large lands, but it seems that one of the highway stations of Great Khorasan was here (Uzbek) from 30-40 years ago in the Medes period, and it has cultural materials, which can be searched and excavated in Ri. From the point of view of historical understanding, the Uzbek site can answer our questions about the formation of the architecture of the Achaemenid period and the period before them and government institutions, the history of art and architecture of this period.

Referring to Yusuf Majidzadeh’s classic and valuable activity in the Uzbek site, which is the cultural symbol of Alborz province, he clarified: the cultural authorities of the province are trying to compile the file of the Uzbek hill world registration, but the world registration must depend on the quantity and quality of scientific information. Although Majidzadeh has published many books and articles about Uzbek, more than 20 years have passed since then, but knowledge has not stood still during these years, UNESCO’s strictures have also increased, and the need for content production has increased.

Malekzadeh said: We took the new chapter in the direction of excavating tissues in an original form and producing articles and books in English based on the information obtained from them in order to prepare a worthy file for global registration because this area has the potential of this subject. . With the architectural texture found in Uzbeki Hill and also the architectural texture of the same period in the surrounding city, including in Dushan Tepe, which we focused on this year, the diversity and abundance of cultural materials from Gumush Tepe, Maral Tepe, Jiran Tepe and Takhtgah And… obtained, we can complete the interconnected set of cultural development in this part of the central plateau of Iran from the 6th and 7th millennia BC to the middle of the Islamic era, the Timurid and Safavid periods.

The head of the archeology board stated: Based on the little knowledge I have of the architecture of the Iron Age, we settled in Dushan Tepe. Majid Zadeh also introduced three layers of architecture in the next decades. Based on this, we opened a 10 x 10 workshop in Dushan Tepe in search of similar architectures. In the upper layers, we had the architectural texture related to the nomads, and then, continuing the exploration, we reached a very strong building, at least according to what we see, one side is seven meters, and probably the other side is also seven meters, and a large space that if on the floor Let’s stand there, its walls are about 3 and a half meters high.

He added: “According to the architecture of this period, we have the Noushijan area and…, the height of the walls was probably 10 meters high, so such a huge building could not have been built by ordinary people, but an organization built this building, and we hope that more workshops will be held in the coming seasons.” Let’s open it so that the plan of this building can be fully identified and if it has a road, it will be identified and finally we can rebuild the urban fabric and social ways of life and add a new leaf to the history of Iranian architecture.

Referring to his experience in exploring standard material sites, Malekzadeh said: I think this architecture belongs to the Achaemenid period. However, we have sent the samples for radiocarbon and OSL tests to achieve absolute dating. If this is the case, an Achaemenid period will be added to the establishment sequence introduced by Majid Zadeh. However, according to the existing clays, it can be said that they are very similar to the Achaemenid period clays, which are square and 40×40 or 35×35. In Dushan Tepe, we are also facing 35×40 square clays, which are probably related to the Achaemenid period.

Pointing out that we still don’t know what this structure was used for, he said: In the plan of this period, we have parallel walls that have been identified through georadar and geoelectricity, and probably the corridors that lead to these rooms. If this is the case, according to the knowledge we have of Medes and Achaemenid architecture, this will probably be the warehouse complex, in which case other so-called governmental facilities should also exist near it.

The head of the archeology board said: “If we can find the bureaucracy in Tepe Uzbeki, we will be very lucky to be able to find a written document.” Also, the architectural plan can provide us with very important information and if we find the passage and the spaces of a passage, we can reach the reconstruction of social classes, social relations, social issues, etc.

Malekzadeh pointed out that we also used the geophysical method in Takhtgah Hill and Jiran Tepe, and signs of many architectural spaces were obtained. In the end, 4 Iron Age graves and some Islamic graves were found.

end of message/

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