The visit of the Governor General of the Central Bank and the head of the executive staff of Farman Imam (RA) to Sepeh Bank’s booth at the “Blessed Effort” exhibition.

According to the financial news report, quoted from Sepeh Bank’s information base, the first festival and exhibition “Blessed effort” was organized by the Barkat Foundation of the Executive Headquarters of the Order of the Imam (RA) and in line with the realization of the slogan of the year, with the presence of the CEOs of the country’s banks, the facilitators of the Barkat Foundation. Officials of the executive bodies of the country, benefactors and top entrepreneurs were held at the permanent place of the exhibitions of the executive headquarters of the order of Hazrat Imam (RA).
In this national event, the Governor General of the Central Bank, the head of the executive staff of Farman Hazrat Imam (RA), the CEO of Barkat Foundation and other CEOs of the banks, while attending Sepeh Bank’s booth and visiting the products of the entrepreneurs supported by this bank, during the facilitation process and measures carried out by Sepeh Bank were aimed at supporting production and employment.
Since the beginning of cooperation with the Barkat Foundation of the Executive Headquarters of the Imam’s Order, Sepeh Bank has succeeded in paying 1,511 billion Tomans in the form of 22,359 projects and creating employment capacity for more than 67,000 people in the country.
While welcoming the participants of the festival, Mohammad Turkmaneh, CEO of Barkat Foundation, presented a report on the performance of banks in providing job creation facilities and supporting entrepreneurs.
Central Bank Governor Farzin, Dr. Nowrozi, Head of the Executive Staff of the Decree of the Imam (RA) and other senior executives of the country also spoke about the importance and necessity of informing the banks’ actions in supporting production and creating employment in the country.
The opening of the webinar of national projects with the participation of the operating banks and the Barkat Foundation was one of the first parts of the “Blessed Endeavor” festival and exhibition, and Sepeh Bank also introduced the project of transferring water to 700 hectares of rainfed lands in Ramshir city, Khuzestan province, by Dr. Ebrahimi, the CEO, and Mehrshad Shojaei, the branch manager. Sepeh Bank of Khuzestan region opened a webinar.
CEO of Sepeh Bank in the opening of the webinar on the water supply project to the agricultural lands of Ramshir city, Khuzestan province, while honoring the memory of the martyrs of this province, by sending greetings to the zealous, hardworking and martyr-loving people of Khuzestan province for the efforts made by the Barkat Foundation and the management and employees of Sepeh Bank of Khuzestan region. appreciated
The signing of the memorandum by the CEOs of the banks and gratitude to the top banks for providing job creation facilities and supporting entrepreneurship was the end of this ceremony.