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They still call me Mr. “Hot Seat”/ I looked like Haroon Al-Rashid – Mehr News Agency | Iran and world’s news

Ahmad Najafi, a veteran actor of cinema and television, said in a conversation with Mehr reporter about his latest activities: “We have talked about one or two film projects and it will probably start in the near future.” I also had a series produced by Mohammad Reza Shafiei and directed by Ahmed Moazzami. “Shor Eshgh” is one of my film projects and another one is “Namira” which will be released in November, God willing.

He also said about his successful experience in running programs such as “Hot Seat”: I have also submitted a plan in terms of implementation, but unfortunately, after a year, they have not yet responded to it, and I am still waiting for the result to be determined. This plan had more of an economic and social aspect and its framework was like a “hot seat”, but we must note that our conditions today are no longer the conditions of the “hot seat” production time. We decided to focus more on the provinces and consider other areas as well. Our plan was to move to the provinces so that we could criticize the performances. Naturally, we also have suggestions.

Najafi continued: I myself like to travel a lot. In some of my travels, I have seen some really strange things that we need to pay more attention to. We don’t want to reject anything in the form of these follow-ups, but we have more suggestions for correction. It is past time to only mention weaknesses. Many of us know about them and we have to go to find a solution.

The era of the “hot seat” is over

In response to whether he has the ability and motivation during the production of “Hot Seat” to return to the performance field or not, this actor emphasized: I have both the ability and the thinking. But we are not going to sit in the frame of a program again and talk about things that have no result. Everything comes back to the conditions of the society. The “hot seat” period is over and now new ideas must be presented. I think this capacity exists and if people accept it, we can make much, much better programs.

This veteran actor said about people’s encounters with him in the street: Many people still remember me because of “Hot Seat” and “Alawi Detective”. In my TV work, these are more memorable and sometimes I notice that people call me Mr. “Hot Seat” or Mr. “Detective Alavi” and don’t remember my name (laughs)! It’s as if that role has remained in the memories, and especially in the cities I visit, they remember it well and still remember it fondly.

He added: “People are really kind and many remember these programs with interest.” Some people even wonder why the continuation of those works is no longer made. But the fact is that the time has passed and we have to change our approach. Works cannot be reproduced in the same form and image.

Ahmad Najafi in a scene from the series “Detective Alavi”

Peyman Jabali’s acceptance of the sequel to “Alawi Detective”

The actor of “Detective Alavi” explained about making a sequel to this project, which was proposed several times but was not completed: the fact is that Mr. Jabali, the head of the Broadcasting Organization, has welcomed this event and even proposed it, but I believe “Detective Alavi” cannot be rewatched after 11 years of delay. We must have newer thoughts and characters He added another to the text so that even they are the focus of the story and Alavi detective is present on the sidelines of the story. If we want to do something, we must have more interesting thoughts. Part of it is the budget and the opinion of the new officials, but I also offer my suggestion. Finally, it is the decision-making council members who must give the final opinion. We also have a lot of patience (laughs)!

I believe that “Detective Alavi” cannot be followed again after 11 years of delay. We must have newer thoughts and characters He added another to the text so that even they are the focus of the story and Alavi detective is present on the sidelines of the story. If we want to do something, we must have more interesting thoughts

About his memories of meeting people in different cities, Najafi also said: Since I travel a lot, people in different areas express their kindness and many follow up to see why those things did not continue. I also give the same answer that I can only offer suggestions and plans and it is up to my friends to decide. This decision-making process is slow in comedy television.

He continued: “Probably, in the near future, I will produce a movie, the director of which will be another person.” This design belonged to the Corona period and its production was stopped due to the same conditions. Later, a situation happened that prevented us from continuing our work. Personally, I don’t want to work under the influence of political events and I never want situations to be used or abused.

This veteran actor emphasized: My work has always been cultural and if I want to talk about politics, I will definitely raise it in the form of a political program. It’s very strange to me that some people still demand for this kind of production and remember things from my programs that I don’t remember myself! Some even have this demand that considering their age, I ask myself how do they remember? They, who are older, protest me more strongly why we didn’t continue those works.

I look like Aaron Al-Rashid” Was

Najafi about his short role in the role of “Harun Al-RashidIn the “Province of Love” series, directed by Mehdi Fakhimzadeh, he also said: In that project, for a few short sequences, about two or three days. Afish I was and I played this role. When faced with suggestions, I usually don’t see negative and positive roles separately, and I mostly consider the point that a role should be performed well and serve the story and the director. I don’t think about it at all. I had also played a negative role in the movie “Refugee” by Zindayad Malaqlipour. If I know that I can perform a role and the story is a good story, I will accept it easily. I no longer think that a negative face is going to be seen from me. I try to be trustworthy.

He added: “Province of Love” series was a very good series and Mehdi Fakhimzadeh directed it very professionally. He uses the actors well and he can characters to give life to what he has in his mind. I had complete trust in Fakhimzadeh, based on my previous experience with him abroad in the form of the film “Tavarish“, I knew that he has this ability in directing. Of course, he had another role in mind for me, but I felt that I could be more effective in this role and physically I had more similarities with him. It is known in history that Aaron Al-Rashid He was tall and his eyes were bright. These were physical similarities and when I made the offer to Fakhimzadeh, he accepted it. This role was short, but I think it was influential in the format of the series.

This actor continued: these short parts were also hard work. Especially the outer parts such as the sequences related to Haroun’s character’s entry Al-Rashid To Mashhad with the company of his troops, because of the large number of artists, it was very important not to repeat the impressions. Only the return of this caravan is three thousand no oneIt takes almost three hours! In general, everything went very well due to Fakhimzadeh’s expertise. When he accepts a job, he puts a lot of effort into it.

They still call me Mr.
When Ahmad Najafi scored in “Khane Cinema”!

If time goes back, I will still score at “Khan Cinema”.

Najafi also stressed about the memory of his act of scoring a goal in “Cinema House” in the memory of the media and whether he would repeat that act if time goes back: “I will do the same thing one hundred percent.” Even a thousand percent! It is an injustice that some people want to sit together and decide for other people’s work and when their movie will be released. The decision to approve the production and release license is another issue, but oppression occurs when a group deliberately and to hit a person whom they consider to be a nuisance, obstructs the release of their film. This action must be stopped and 100% if I find myself in that situation again, I will repeat that action. Even if I see this cruelty today, I will react to it.

He added: Union work means supporting colleagues. At that time, I even heard that some people said why Najafi named his movie “I am an Iranian”! That is, they had made so many negative films that they did not want anything called Iran and the Iranian flag to be mentioned in the films. For this reason, I believe that they destroyed that film with special intentions. The same currents also caused many of those people who Sue They were being identified. I still consider my act of throwing flowers at the door of the movie theater as a right action, which became a warning to some of these people not to oppress their colleagues from within the movie theater family. People have had very positive reactions to this action of mine in these years. Even during my trips abroad, they remember my action and salute me for standing up to injustice.

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