Transformation in the insurance industry requires a forward-looking view

According to the financial news report, citing the public relations of Kosar insurance, Ali Fanadi Naini, the vice president of planning and development of Central Insurance, said: Digital transformation is not only focused on the field of technology and information, but all convergent and insurance technologies are also included, and the benefit of data Mining was called the field of achieving digital economy.
Fanadi Naini pointed out that the transformation in the insurance industry requires the existence of a digital economy, which is also possible by bypassing the traditional view, using new technologies, data mining and efficient and technological manpower, and he requires the correct use of artificial intelligence in the industry. Equipping the technological infrastructure with the synergy of all the elements of the industry.
He pointed out that today in modern innovation systems attention to open innovation is important and the supervisory body also put its insurtech regulation to a survey with the same approach so that insurance industry activists and those interested in this field can express their opinions and they should have an approach We should look forward and find the future trends and the vision ahead, the combination of these two will become a transformation and a forward-looking view.
Pourmohammadi, SATA’s vice president of investment and economic development, said: Today, speeding up the provision of services is an important component of the success of large companies, and successful managers must always be forward-looking and have digital insight.
Experienced managers also need to enter the digital world for their reliability. Also, pointing out that new thinking is the winning card in this century, he added: Innovation in management matters is very important.
We believe that innovation is possible by believing in collective work and team building, and in this direction, special attention should be paid to the balance between operations and innovation, risk-taking and cooperation.
Secretary General of Iran Insurers Syndicate Pourkiani thanked Kausar Insurance for holding this annual conference and called it a sign of respect and importance of Kausar Insurance for specialized and expert work.
Such conferences are an opportunity for learning and retraining, as well as bringing together insurance industry activists.