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Underweight and its most dangerous complications

Being underweight can be as dangerous to health as being overweight. Being underweight can cause a person’s body to not receive enough nutrients and as a result, the health of bones, skin, hair, nails, etc. is at risk. Some people are genetically very thin, and others may be underweight due to certain diseases. Stay with us to provide you with more information about this topic in this article.

What does underweight mean?

In order to calculate underweight, you must use the body mass index or BMI. In BMI, people’s weight is determined based on their height. Based on this, for example, if a 70 kg person is very tall, he may not be overweight at all, but a short person with this weight is definitely overweight.

If the BMI is less than 18.5, it means that the person is underweight.

In normal weight, which is considered healthy, BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9. Overweight people have a BMI of 25 to 29.9, and obese people have a BMI of 30 or higher.

Measuring the weight of athletes who have a lot of muscle in their body may not be very accurate with BMI. Because in these people, muscle weight is more than fat.

If you are overweight and exercise, you can use sports weight loss supplements such as L-carnitine to help you lose weight.

But for people who exercise despite being underweight, sports weight gain supplements such as Gainer are recommended.

What are the complications of underweight?

Be careful that not all people who are underweight will necessarily suffer from complications, but in many people, underweight can be associated with the following adverse effects:


Underweight increases the risk of osteoporosis, especially in women. In this case, the bones are prone to breaking because the level of minerals such as calcium and magnesium in them is very low.

Skin and hair problems

People suffering from underweight may not have enough daily nutrition and as a result, lack vitamins and minerals in the body. Lack of nutrients in the body leads to hair loss, thin and dry skin and brittle nails.

Hair loss is a consequence of underweight

Getting sick frequently

If a person becomes underweight due to malnutrition and does not get enough energy from his diet, his body may not have enough ability to fight infections as a result of the lack of nutrients. In this case, the person gets sick frequently, that is, for example, he constantly catches a cold.

Anemia is a complication of underweight

People who are underweight have less blood factors and usually the level of red blood cells in their blood is lower than usual. Therefore, they suffer from anemia and constantly feel dizzy, headache and tired. Anemia can be cured by taking iron tablets.

Irregular periods

Underweight women usually do not have regular periods. Underweight teenagers may experience their first period at a later age than usual. Irregular menstruation can cause many problems to have a baby.

Constant fatigue

Other complications of underweight include constant fatigue during the day. Constant fatigue can be a sign of not getting enough calories from food.

Slow growth

Children and adolescents need healthy bones and nutrients for optimal growth. Lack of weight can cause a person to not grow as much as expected and as a result, for example, to be short and look younger than other people of the same age.

Premature birth and premature birth

Women who become pregnant while underweight are at increased risk for preterm labor and may give birth to a baby that is premature. A premature baby has its own problems and may have health problems that cannot be easily compensated.

  • Mortality statistics are higher in people with underweight than people with normal BMI.

What is the cause of underweight?

Various factors can lead to underweight, the most important of which are:

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Genetic factors

Some people naturally have a low BMI and the reason is related to the genetic characteristics of the person in the family. These asthmatic people will not face the complications of underweight.

High metabolism

If a person’s metabolism is high, he may not gain weight even by eating high-calorie foods. People who have a lot of vitality and activity and constantly exercise may be included in this group.

Diseases are one of the causes of underweight

Some diseases can be accompanied by constant nausea, diarrhea and vomiting, thus making it difficult to gain weight. Some other diseases are chronic and may reduce a person’s appetite and cause weight loss. Diabetes, cancer, thyroid disorders and gastrointestinal diseases such as Crohn’s can be a cause of underweight with a negative effect on appetite.

The effect of mental illnesses on underweight

If mental health is disturbed, it may have a negative effect on a person’s appetite and thus cause weight loss. Sometimes it is the opposite and may lead to overeating. Among these diseases, we can mention depression, anxiety, obsession, etc.

Treatment of underweight

There are various methods to compensate for the lack of weight, following a healthy diet is at the top. By referring to a nutritionist, you can use a diet that is healthy and causes weight gain in people suffering from underweight. Some of the strategies that the nutritionist may suggest include the following:

Add a snack

High-protein snacks that contain healthy carbohydrates are a good option for weight gain. For example, you can use peanut butter, protein bars and nuts.

Healthy snack for weight gain

Eat several small meals throughout the day

The body of an underweight person may not be able to tolerate eating large meals. In this case, it is better to reduce the meals and increase the frequency of their consumption. This method is a healthy way to help gain weight.

Consuming high-calorie foods

In order to compensate for the lack of weight, high-calorie foods can be added to the diet. For example, add walnuts and almonds to the bread and cheese you eat. Or add chia seeds to your salad.

Warning: Unhealthy high-calorie foods may cause weight gain and create excess body fat that can endanger cardiovascular health. So, even if you are underweight, avoid consuming food containing high sugar and salt.

See a doctor to treat weight loss

If you have tried to make up for your lack of weight and gain weight, but you do not get results, we definitely recommend you to see a doctor. The symptoms that show that you must go to the doctor are:

  • Sudden and unexplained weight loss
  • Reluctance to eat continuously
  • Excessive fatigue

How much weight loss is dangerous?

If you lose more than 5% of your weight in 6 to 12 months, you should definitely see a doctor. For example, if you used to weigh 72 kg and within 6 to 12 months, you have lost 3.5 kg of your weight for no reason, you should go to the doctor for further examinations.

Diet plan for weight gain

In order to gain weight, you must calories Increase your food intake. To have a meal plan to gain weight, use the following strategies:

  • Increase protein consumption
  • Increasing consumption of healthy carbohydrates such as whole grains
  • Consuming healthy fats such as olive oil
  • Eating healthy snacks such as nuts

Do not forget to exercise, especially dumbbells and weight lifting.

final word

Lack of weight is not always a sign of illness, and in all cases it does not lead to adverse effects, but in any case, the cause must be determined and, if necessary, appropriate treatment. If you do not know the cause of your lack of weight, be sure to consult a nutritionist. You can also post your questions in the comments section so that our experts can answer you as soon as possible.

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