
United States: It is possible to return to Borjam – Mehr News Agency | Iran and world’s news

A State Department spokesman said in a statement that there was a possibility of a reciprocal return to the Iran nuclear deal, known as the Borjam.

According to the report, US State Department spokesman Ned Price also dropped the ball on Iranian soil, claiming that it was conditional on Tehran relinquishing issues outside of Borjam.

Price said that if Iran renounces issues outside the UN Security Council, there is a possibility of a reciprocal return to the nuclear deal.

The State Department spokesman also claimed: “If Iran continues to raise issues unrelated to the nuclear deal, we have other options that we have considered with our allies.”

The remarks came as the US Treasury Department imposed new sanctions on Iran on Thursday, imposing sanctions on two individuals and nine legal entities linked to Iran.

Washington’s claim that it is trying to return to the 2015 nuclear deal comes as the country withdrew from the Security Council in May 2018 in violation of Security Council Resolution 2231.

Mohammad Eslami, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, recently stated: “In the last 20 years, there have been many negotiations on the issue of Iran’s nuclear program, which were finally reached, but they did not sign it even after this agreement.” The sanctions were supposed to be lifted and we agreed to limit our nuclear activities and deprive ourselves of our inalienable rights, but the other side did not abide by its commitments and now, when it comes to returning to Borjam, it repeats the same false accusations with fake Zionist documents. they do.

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