
Universities can liquidate unused properties – Tejaratnews

According to Tejarat News, the Minister of Science, Research and Technology, Mohammad Ali Zulfigol, said at the ground breaking ceremony of the 500-unit complex of the University of Tehran’s matrimonial dormitory, that Tehran University has already anticipated and prepared the necessary funds for this big project through the production of property and assets. A well-meaning charity has also provided financial resources for the construction of 100 units of this dormitory complex. Considering that the necessary credits for the construction of this complex have been predicted, 500 units of Tehran University’s married dormitory will be completed in less than two years.

The Minister of Science, Research and Technology emphasized: It is planned that the three towers of this dormitory complex will be built like vertical forests, that is, around each floor, a green space will be provided so that when people look at this complex, they will see a vertical forest. . Since Tehran University should be a model in all fields including urban planning, we hope that these three dormitory blocks have unique features, especially that its location is also a good place.

Dr. Zolfigol pointed out: With the new kind of view that Tehran University management has, good things are happening in this university. There are real estates in universities that are practically unused. The law has allowed universities to convert their unused land and properties into good use. Universities can also clear these unused properties, i.e. transfer the unused property to a private sector, and the private sector will provide the university with the land, building or anything needed by the university for the price. Or to sell the unused properties through productivity and use the resulting resources for the university’s priorities.

Emphasizing the role model of Tehran University in various fields, he said: Tehran University is the “symbol of higher education of the country”, the university of Iran, and candidates for higher education in all fields, especially humanities, only look at the flag of Tehran University. That is why Tehran University should be the leader and reference in all scientific, research, cultural, sports and welfare matters. For example, Tehran University laboratories should serve the whole country. If we help the laboratories of Tehran University to be a reference, it can serve the whole country and this should be done in the near future.

Renovation of Tehran University dormitories

Advising higher education officials to take advantage of the opportunity to serve and do good deeds, the Minister of Science, Research and Technology noted: Being good is not always about having facilities and financial resources and building schools, roads, hospitals and dormitories; Of course, these good deeds have a lot of value. But sometimes a very simple person can be good. In the university, sometimes we can show the example of doing good by smiling, respecting a student and doing a student’s work on time. Today, when a large number of dormitory units have been completely renovated in Tehran University, and a clean and orderly space has been provided to the children of the country, a good deed has also been done.

He announced the mission to the head of the philanthropic staff of the Ministry of Science in order to utilize all the capacities of well-intentioned benefactors and explained: The expectation is to create a system where every well-intentioned citizen can participate to the best of his ability to promote higher education. A system should be provided so that even a citizen who wants to contribute as much as donating a bed or preparing a dormitory room, can convey his benevolent intention to the trustees of higher education and implement it.

Dr. Zulfigol considered the selection of Dr. Ahmed Nohagar, with 9 years of experience as the president of Hormozgan University, as the Vice President of Planning and Resource Development of Tehran University as an opportunity for Tehran University and said: When the Vice President of Planning and Resource Development also has the experience of being the president of the university, because the aristocracy He has experienced all the issues of the university, including cultural, student, educational, research and technology issues, it is easier to advance the affairs of the university by using his great responsibility experience.

In the end, the Minister of Science, Research and Technology pointed to his management method in line with the spiritual and material encouragement of managers and colleagues who perform their duties efficiently and said: Humans at every level need encouragement and at every position they need attention. has it. In an environment where material needs are met, respecting people is the best encouragement. People need to feel that they are seen and that their efforts are appreciated.

Source: ISNA

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