cultural and artisticMusic and Artcultural and artisticMusic and Art

University screenings of “Smart Kid” began

According to Fars news agency, the animated film “Kid Kid” produced by Hamed Jafari, which has been shown in theaters across the country since the 5th of Mehr, has started its university screenings after more than a month has passed.

In the past 40 days, this animation has had more than 800,000 viewers and has crossed the sales threshold of 28 billion Tomans.

The movie animation “Bacha Zarang” which was made by a team of 250 people by applying the latest techniques of animation art and industry, especially in modeling, rigging, animating, simulation, FX, etc., is in a higher quality position than the previous works made in the country. is placed
Also, in the rendering stage of this work, using the technical power of Iranian servers, more than 30 million GHz of computer processing has been done. This is despite the fact that in the previous work of the Hornopoya group, the film animation Filshah, a major part of the rendering process was done using external servers.

Simultaneously with the movie screening, the university screening of this animation has started in mid-November, and during this time, universities from all over the country have applied for the screening of “Smart Kid”.

Those interested in university screening of this animation can call 09198082050.

Bacha Zarang is a product of the dynamic art group and the intellectual development center for children and teenagers.

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