Unveiling of the automotive industry transformation program at Amirkabir University of Technology

According to Eqtesadonline, Amirkabir Policy Thinking Industry Group, in order to develop the automotive industry-oriented program, after about a decade of expert research in the field of automotive industry and holding numerous meetings with experts, experts and activists in this field, has developed a transformation action plan. The automotive industry has. This document was unveiled yesterday after holding symposiums with the presence of faculty members of Amirkabir University of Technology, members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, activists and managers of the automotive industry and experts in this field, yesterday in the presence of Iqbal Shakeri, MP and officials and members of this think tank شد.
At the beginning of the meeting, Iqbal Shakeri emphasized the importance of the achievements and productions of such think tanks for the Islamic Consultative Assembly and the need to pay more attention to the growth and prosperity of these think tanks. He further considered the document prepared by Amirkabir Policy Institute as a commendable document and considered it as the result of many years of expert activity in the field of automotive industry and expressed hope that the responsible institutions in this field, including the Ministry of Silence, appreciate such efforts to eliminate Be the problems of the automotive industry and make the most of this document and the accumulation of knowledge in these think tanks.
Habibollah Zafarian, Head of Amirkabir Policy Institute, spoke about the achievements of this institute during its activity and the current document is the result of professional and field exposure to various issues and challenges of the country’s automotive industry during nearly a decade of activity of this industry group. They thought that the purpose of preparing this document was to present the views and expert solutions of this think tank in order to solve the problems of the automobile industry to the thirteenth government. He also mentioned the country’s automobile industry as one of the most important industrial assets in the country, which unfortunately suffers from many problems and challenges today, and expressed hope that this document can help the 13th government and the Ministry of Silence, an effective step to solve problems in this area. Take it.
Milad Beigi, the head of the industry group of Amirkabir Policy Institute, explained about the research method and compilation of this program. He considered the current document as the result of the pathology of this think tank from the situation of the automobile industry in the country during the 4 decades of activity of this industry, which can be expressed in 3 levels. The first level is the type of relationship between the government and the automotive industry, which has caused the industry to continue to be run by the government despite the transfer, which has caused many problems in this area. The second level is not following a fixed and specific model for the development of the automotive industry, which has led to the possibility of long-term planning of this industry and large decisions are not made well. The third level is related to the management of the firm and issues related to corruption within the firm, which due to the dark spots that have formed in the firm’s performance, especially in the field of supplying parts from inside and outside, the firm’s performance has been overshadowed. He said that the development model that this document has considered for the automotive industry is based on strengthening and supporting domestic component makers and cooperating with first-level component makers and assemblers based on the type of international relations. He then examined the provisions of this document in detail.
It should be noted that the action plan for the transformation of the automotive industry developed by the Amirkabir Policy Institute includes an introductory introduction (review of the status of the automotive industry, the development model used in this operational plan), vision, goals and strategies, actions and policies.