
US intelligence official: Iran regularly monitors our naval operations

According to Fars News Agency’s International Service, “Scott David Breyer”, the director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency, stated in a meeting in the Senate Intelligence Committee that the Islamic Republic of Iran is the main

“Iran’s because of its advanced military capabilities, extensive networks of deputies and its partners, and its willingness to resort to war,” Brewer said at a hearing on the “Annual Threat Assessment” held Tuesday (May 10) in the Senate Defense Committee. “Against the United States, the main challenge is against American interests in the Middle East.”

“Iran’s national security strategy is based on efforts to ensure the continuation of religious rule, to maintain internal stability, to strengthen its position as a dominant regional power, and to achieve economic prosperity,” Breyer said. “Tehran uses a complex set of military, diplomatic and security capabilities.”

The US intelligence official also clarified that the Iranian authorities’ perception is that Iran has not yet properly avenged the assassination of Sardar Qassem Soleimani, and that Iran may therefore be planning to take covert action against some US officials in retaliation. »

The US government, led by Donald Trump, martyred Sardar Qassem Soleimani and a number of his entourage near Baghdad airport on December 4, 2009. UN Special Rapporteur Agnes Kalamard has called the killing illegal and has rejected US excuses to justify it.

“Iran’s conventional military strategy is based on deterrence and retaliation,” Breyer said in a late statement. “If deterrence fails, Iran is likely to seek to exert power against hostile parties by attacking them.”

“Iran regularly uses its navy to monitor US and allied naval operations on its shores, including near the Strait of Hormuz, which can sometimes lead to dangerous and unprofessional confrontations,” he said. . »

He added: “Since 2019, the Iranian navy has become more ruthless and has carried out seizures, attacks and sabotage operations against merchant ships in the region, which in some cases have been in retaliation for the activities of Israel and its allies.”

The director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency also acknowledged the power of Iranian missiles and stated that some of these missiles are capable of attacking targets up to 2,000 kilometers away from Iran’s borders. Iran has shown it wants to use its missiles.

“Iran continues to increase the accuracy and lethality of its ballistic missiles, including short-range ballistic missiles,” he added.

In another part of his remarks, the US official claimed that the Islamic Republic of Iran had reduced its adherence to the Borjam nuclear agreement in order to gain leverage in the Vienna talks. “Tehran has also reduced its commitment to Borjam in order to gain leverage in the talks and revive the agreement in its favor,” he said.

Negotiations to lift sanctions in Vienna have stalled for several months. Since the beginning of the talks, the US government has repeatedly tried to accuse the various parties of slowing down and obstructing the talks, instead of proposing practical initiatives to advance the talks.

One of the reasons for the failure of the American parties to take the necessary steps in the Vienna talks was the opposition of the members of Congress to the Biden administration’s policies regarding the UN Security Council. One of the criticisms of this group of American lawmakers is that Borjam does not address all areas of US dispute with Iran, including regional activities and Iran’s missile program.

Western countries, and especially the United States, have continued their media and psychological operations since the interruption of the Vienna talks, using different justifications to blame Iran instead of fulfilling their obligations to revive the UN Security Council.

By linking the talks to the Ukraine war, they first claimed that Russia had obstructed the talks. After Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov made it clear during a visit by Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian that the issue of Moscow’s request for cooperation with Iran after the full implementation of the UN Security Council is not an obstacle to the continuation of talks, Western countries An Iranian issue was raised, claiming that Tehran’s request to remove the IRGC from the list of so-called terrorist organizations had stalled the talks.

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