
Was the right of commission for real estate consultants removed? – Tejarat News

According to Tejarat News, with the approval of the representatives of the Islamic Council, the fee proportional to the transaction value for the issuance of electronic invoices from real estate consultants and trusted companies was abolished.

In the session of the Islamic Council on Sunday 9th of Bahman 1401, during the consideration of the report of the Economic Commission on the tax plan on speculation and speculation, the representatives of the Islamic Council agreed to add the following text to paragraph (r) of Article 8 of that plan:

Real estate consultants and trusted companies subject to this paragraph do not have the right to receive a fee in proportion to the transaction value for issuing electronic invoices, and their fee is based on a fixed rate according to a regulation that is proposed by the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development and approved by the Council of Ministers within three months. It will be calculated for each type of transaction.

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