Ways to increase testosterone for quick results

After the age of 30, the level of testosterone in men’s body decreases by about 1% every year. The only way to determine the level of testosterone in the body is a blood test. Some men have low testosterone levels without showing any symptoms. In some cases, very low levels of testosterone will cause osteoporosis and weak and brittle bones. Also, the sleep pattern may be disrupted and sexual performance may change. The treatment of low testosterone in the body should be evaluated by a doctor according to the cause of this problem and then the necessary measures should be taken. In this article, we will introduce you to ways to increase testosterone in the body.
The best ways to increase testosterone naturally
These methods are seemingly simple, but they will have a unique effect on the body’s testosterone level:
Testosterone and bodybuilding
Exercise can increase the level of testosterone in the body. Studies have shown that people who exercise regularly have higher levels of testosterone in their bodies than other people. Research conducted on obese men shows that increasing physical activity is even more effective in increasing testosterone levels than weight loss diet. One of the best exercises to increase testosterone levels are resistance exercises such as weight lifting. Of course, high-intensity interval training can also be very useful. If you use supplements such as creatine monohydrate along with these exercises, you will see a greater effect in increasing testosterone levels.
Sufficient sleep and rest
The human body needs proper levels of hormones such as testosterone to function properly. Lack of sleep directly affects the decrease of testosterone. Men who don’t get enough sleep have lower testosterone levels in their body than other people. In one study, researchers found that even if people’s sleep was disrupted for a week, their testosterone levels dropped by 15%. Everyone should have at least 7 to 8 hours of good quality sleep every night.
A healthy diet to help boost testosterone
What you eat directly affects the level of testosterone and other hormones in your body. If you constantly diet or overeat, the normal amount of testosterone will be disrupted. One of the ways to increase testosterone in the body is to pay attention to a healthy diet and lifestyle. Eating enough protein can help maintain proper testosterone levels and help lose weight by reducing body fat. Research shows that carbohydrate consumption also plays a role in proper testosterone levels. You should also include healthy fats in your diet to help regulate hormones.
- The best sources of protein: red meat, chicken, fish, eggs, legumes.
- Good carbohydrate sources: brown rice, whole grains.
- Best sources of healthy fats: olive oil, avocado oil, and other natural oils.
The relationship between weight loss and increased natural testosterone
Research has shown that men who are overweight have lower levels of testosterone in their bodies. Therefore, if you are facing the problem of obesity, it is better to reduce your weight with a proper diet and increase physical activity so that the level of testosterone in the body reaches the optimal level.
Stress control to raise testosterone levels in the body
Long-term and chronic stress is very dangerous and will lead to many problems in the body. Anxiety and stress increase the level of cortisol hormone in the body and have a direct effect on metabolism. When cortisol rises, it negatively affects testosterone. When a person is constantly under stress, the level of testosterone in his body constantly changes and gets disturbed.
You should try to keep your living conditions and environment calm and minimize stress. For example, you can meditate, do yoga, listen to relaxing music, and engage in activities that interest you.
What pill should we take to increase testosterone levels?
Taking vitamin D tablets may help compensate for the lack of testosterone and increase the level of this hormone in the body. It is better to be exposed to direct sunlight for at least 15 minutes every day to avoid vitamin D deficiency. Food sources rich in vitamin D include: fatty fish such as salmon and fortified cereals.
DHEA is a hormone that helps produce testosterone. With age, the level of DHEA decreases, followed by testosterone. Supplements that contain DHEA have the effect of increasing testosterone. If you want to naturally increase the level of DHEA in the body, you can take the help of healthy fats found in fish and flaxseed.
Magnesium supplementation also plays a role in restoring testosterone levels to normal levels. Zinc deficiency can also lead to a decrease in testosterone in the body. One of the bodybuilding supplements that can increase testosterone is creatine supplement. Creatine occurs naturally in fish and beef.
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Vitamin D tablets, creatine supplements, zinc tablets, magnesium tablets and supplements effective in increasing DHEA can increase testosterone levels.
Medicines that reduce testosterone
One of the common reasons for the decrease in testosterone in the body is related to drugs that a person may take. For example, statins are drugs that reduce cholesterol and to some extent help the level of testosterone in the body. If you think that one of the drugs you are taking has an effect on testosterone reduction, be sure to consult a doctor in this regard.
The relationship between drugs and alcohol in testosterone reduction
Another way to increase testosterone naturally is if you are using drugs or alcohol, make sure to give them up for good. Studies show that alcohol consumption affects the body’s hormones and even interferes with fertility. Alcohol can reduce the level of testosterone in the body by causing hormonal reactions and cell damage.
Testosterone therapy or testosterone replacement therapy
When the body cannot produce enough testosterone naturally and the ways to increase testosterone that we mentioned are not responsive, testosterone replacement therapy can be used. Of course, testosterone therapy is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, the best way is to think about increasing this hormone in the body naturally. If you are worried about the level of testosterone hormone in your body, you should go to the doctor and take a testosterone test and then try treatment solutions with the doctor’s advice.
What is the supplement to increase testosterone?
In bodybuilding, one of the supplements that you can take with the aim of increasing testosterone levels in the body is perihormone supplement. In addition to raising testosterone levels, pre-hormones also support muscle building. That is why they have many fans. The growth of muscle mass is in a direct relationship with the amount of testosterone in the body. You can get perihormone supplement from positive green online pharmacy.
Bodybuilding exercises to increase testosterone
According to experts, endurance and resistance training both have a great effect on increasing testosterone levels naturally. Weight lifting is one of the best exercises that will increase the male hormone in the body. Of course, you can also try other strength exercises.
What are the side effects of increasing testosterone in women?
An increase in the level of testosterone in women’s body is manifested by the following symptoms:
- Excess hair, especially on the face
- going bald
- acne
- Clitoris enlargement
- Reducing the size of the breasts
- Thickening of the voice
- Increase muscle mass
Menstrual cycles may also become irregular, sexual desire may decrease, and affect mood. In more severe cases, high testosterone will lead to obesity and infertility.
Table of normal testosterone levels by age and sex
In the table below, you can see the normal level of testosterone at different ages:
Age | Sons (nanograms per cc) | Girls (nanograms per cc) |
7 to 10 years | 1.80 to 5.68 | 2.69 to 10.29 |
13 to 17 years | 208.08 to 496.58 | 16.72 to 31.55 |
19 years old and later | 265 to 923 | 15 to 70 |
final word
A healthy lifestyle, having enough sleep and controlling stress are the most important ways to increase testosterone naturally in the body. If the amount of Testosterone hormone in men’s body is not sufficient, it will lead to adverse consequences such as decreased libido, weakening of fertility, muscle weakness, etc. If you think that the level of testosterone in your body has decreased for any reason, be sure to see a specialist doctor to do the necessary tests.
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