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We do not accept that Saudi Arabia is called our enemy/ we will stay with Syria

According to the report of Arya Heritage, the President of our country Seyed Ebrahim Raisi during his recent trip to Damascus had a detailed interview with the official Syrian news agency (SANA) and Al-Syria network. The full text of this interview is as follows:

Mr. Ebrahim Raisi, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, welcome to Damascus.

I welcome you and the dear people of Syria and I thank the people and the government of Syria and President Bashar al-Assad for the warm welcome.

How do you evaluate the results of distinct, strong and firm relations between Syria and Iran in four and a half decades of its life and how do you see its future prospects?

After the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran, the relations between Syria and Iran witnessed a new shape and image, the positions of the late president Hafez Assad after the victory of the revolution, were distinct positions towards the cause of Palestine, the liberation of Holy Quds and the resistance front, Syria with this position Giriha was distinguished from other countries and gained a special place, President Hafez Assad has repeatedly declared his support for the axis of resistance, his positions are fair and firm towards the Zionist regime, and these positions continued during the presidency of Bashar Assad. And Syria placed itself in the forefront of the resistance countries and in the first ranks, Syria clearly and powerfully stood against the ambitions, ambitions and aggressions of the Zionists, and by cooperating with all those who stand against the Zionist regime, took a prominent place in this alliance. and President Assad has always emphasized these positions, we in Iran realized that standing against the Zionist regime alongside the Palestinian people has become the first issue of Iran’s foreign policy, since Imam Khomeini declared that the Palestinian issue is the first issue of the world. It is Islam and the issue of the liberation of Quds al-Sharif is always a priority, and Imam Khomeini declared the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan to be the International Quds Day so that all Muslims pay attention to this day and the importance of liberating Quds.

The relations between our two countries have been strengthened and increased, where the axis of evil led by the Zionist regime and the United States made various conspiracies against Syria, they wanted security to be destroyed by supporting terrorist and takfiri groups, they sought to divide Syria and kill. were in it, so they targeted population centers and committed horrific crimes, there is one question: how were these groups established, how were they supported and who facilitated their access to Syria? One of the US election candidates said that we are the ones who created ISIS, and this is considered as a clear admission of America and a clear acknowledgment in front of the whole world, how can they claim that they want to fight ISIS? Their contradiction is clear, they created Daesh and Takfiri groups and they chant that they want to fight them, despite the threats and sanctions against Syria from the Americans and the West, we believe that Syria’s position is right and correct, Syria to establish justice and Achieving peace stands against the forces of global evil, we in Iran, under the leadership of Imam Khamenei, are determined to stand by the Syrian people and always support the axis of resistance.

During the years of war, Syria suffered and continues to suffer from the consequences of terrorism that destroyed its infrastructure, as well as the occupation forces of the United States and their affiliated militias occupying the oil fields of Syria, which affected the economy and the lives of the Syrian people. It helped, how do you evaluate the economic relations between Syria and Iran?

Syria is not a poor country, but it is rich in terms of people, agriculture, and land resources, and it can witness great economic growth, but the Americans occupied some areas of Syria and looted its resources. I want to say that the United States and some Western countries are allied with the Zionist regime. They are, but they cannot weaken Syria militarily, and for this reason, they went to weaken Syria through the economy and economic blockade, and without a doubt, in this context, thanks to the resistance of the Syrian people, they will fail, and the victory will ultimately come from the Syrian people. will be, there are clear signs in the world order in favor of the resistance front. These signs emphasize that the world is moving towards a new world today, contrary to the goals of the Zionists and the Americans, and new forces are being found against the unilateralism of the United States.

Mr. President, you are talking about this new world order, the truth is that maybe this order has become more evident now in this period of time, both in terms of the victories of the resistance front that you talked about a lot in your answer and The opinion of some countries that have now turned to both factions of resistance, I mean Iran and Syria, the question is, how do you see the future of this new world order?

In Iran, we witnessed the experience of sanctions and threats, but this issue did not weaken us and failed to weaken us, and this is not only our point of view, but also the point of view of the White House, which announced that this policy has failed in Iran. We have turned these threats, sanctions and blockade into opportunities for ourselves, the Palestinians did the same despite the blockade and threats, etc., so it is necessary for the West to know that these weapons are of no use and will not be of any use, America will not change its positions. but their weapons.

Mr. President, I am talking about the signs through which we can know that there will be victory and success for the resistance forces and the new world order. How can we read the signs through which we understand that this is possible?

The current conditions of the region are completely different, new relationships are being formed in the world, for example, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, of which we are a member, and the BRICS organization (China, Russia, India, Brazil, and South Africa) and their facilities, all of which are signs of the emergence of an order. The world is new and different, on the other hand, the capabilities of America and the West are constantly decreasing, their role in the whole world is dimmed, weakened and retreating. Even their friends don’t trust them, America used to scare everyone with its military power, but its presence in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. showed their weakness and bloodshed and destroyed houses and cities and this is their history. Is. The 20-year presence in Afghanistan and other places led to the disability of 35,000 children in Afghanistan and the same thing happened in Iraq, after everything they realized that their presence in Iraq was useless. Today we see that the situation has changed and the balance of power is not in their favor from a military and economic point of view, today the dollar has been replaced by other currencies and financial exchanges have started in national and local currencies, so America and the West are losing their political status. and other countries take their place.

Mr. President, in your opinion, to what extent do the repeated attacks of Israel delay the efforts to fight terrorism and the determination of Syria and Iran to get rid of the last presence of terrorists in Syria?

Before I answer, I want to point out that Syria has a special place in our hearts and among all honorable people, Syria resisted the sedition and war that America and the Zionist regime launched against it for 12 years, today The situation in many countries has become completely different. The resistance won and the efforts bore fruit and changed the situation in the region and the world, and now we are clearly witnessing a change in positions. Regarding your question, the Zionist regime today is in a different situation than in the past. Just as he could not confront the resistance groups in Palestine, because the land is not their territory, but occupied, they could not confront the resistance in Gaza, and even in the West Bank, the Palestinians proved that the initiative is in their hands and not in the hands of the Zionists. . The Zionists imposed Camp David, Sharm el-Sheikh, etc., today they do not talk about negotiations because they know that no one trusts them at all and no one trusts America, I want to give an example of recent Israeli wars in July 2006, etc., a series From the defeats that came to the Zionist regime and their iron dome was powerless, the Zionist regime is weak and weak, what is happening inside Israel, citing the statements of their leaders, indicates their fall and imminent end, even less than when The Leader of the Islamic Revolution has decided, they cannot do anything and no one can do anything for them, so how can this weak institution stand against Syria and Iran?

Mr. President, is this your belief the same thing that reached some countries in the region and led to a series of compromises? You are talking about the reconciliation between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which was welcomed in the region and Syria, where did this reconciliation go? Some analysts say that the reopening of embassies in the two capitals is close, and what effect will such a reconciliation have on the balance of power in the region? You talked about the weaknesses of “Israel”, this belief may have reached some of the rulers of the countries of the region and led to a change in the situation?

Iran and Saudi Arabia are two big countries and the restoration of relations between them will change the equations of the region and organize it, the Muslim nations of the region will move towards supporting resistance and justice. The important point is that the Supreme Leader of the Revolution always stressed that at the height of our conflict with Saudi Arabia, we should not forget that the main enemy is America and “Israel”. We reject and do not accept that Saudi Arabia is considered our enemy or that we are its enemy. Today, the facts have become clear for many countries in the region. The Iranophobia propagated by America and Israel was only to create terror in the region, this evil media machine is the enemy and we believe that just as Syria was able to confront the takfiri groups that the western media presented as demanding freedom and justice. We were able to expose their media lies about Iran, there is no right, freedom, dignity and humanity in the western dictionary, some countries cooperate and trade with these groups and ISIS and supported them and They give weapons, but they now understand that they were completely wrong, our position is the right position and sooner or later everyone will understand that the positions of Syria and Iran are based on truth, justice, rationality and resistance.

The Iranian side is present in the meetings hosted by Moscow regarding the path to restoring relations between Syria and Turkey, and currently the relationship between the Islamic Republic and the two countries is strong, and it has always been this way in the past years. What is the role that Tehran plays in the development of this route?

Note that in the Astana meeting held in Tehran with the presence of the presidents of Russia and Turkey, we emphasized that all Syrian lands should be returned to Syria and the territorial integrity of Syria should be preserved. Turkey and Syria feel insecure, so we suggested that the only solution is for the Syrian government to exercise its sovereignty over all its territories, and then security will be established and we will no longer witness insecurity there, and the only way to prevent this insecurity is It is not that the Turks control some Syrian territories, but it is completely the opposite, and you can see how security returns to these areas, so Turkish forces should not be present anywhere in Syria. Yes, we understand the worries and concerns of some neighboring countries of Syria, but the solution to these worries and concerns is to return these lands to the sovereignty of Syria, what we emphasized is that the health and territorial unity Syrian territories must be preserved and the sovereignty of the Syrian state over its territory must be recognized and all American forces must leave the territory of Syria.

Anyway, the question was that the president of our country (Bashar Assad) is talking about mediation to restore relations between Syria and Turkey, and since you mentioned Astana, 19 rounds of Astana negotiations were held, and Iran is always one of the important countries and guarantors of the process. Astana has been, do you expect the 20th round to be held and this meeting to be fruitful and what is the role of Iran in this matter?

We play the role of mediator between Syria and Turkey, which is an important role, and Iran is an important actor in the region and the world, and we are ready to play this role between these two Muslim countries and to bring the views of both sides closer together in order to resolve the problems between them. to solve it through dialogue and negotiation, we examined this issue in the Astana meeting and discussed this issue in the meetings of the foreign ministers.

How did you see Syria in the first visit of an Iranian president to Syria after more than 12 years of terrorist war against this country?

I am very happy with this trip, I saw that Syria has a strong will against the enemy, this spirit and this tendency is present in all the Syrian people who have endured many hardships and sanctions, and we witnessed a severe shortage of goods, knowing that Syria is a rich country. , but the enemy is trying to loot its wealth and its owners do not invest in it, these people and the government, who have endured all the problems in the last 12 years, should be praised and honored.

I think the trajectory will be different in the future and we will see good economic conditions in Syria because the Syrian people and their government are determined to change this situation and good relations between Syria and other countries will change the situation for the better. gave

We hope the Syrian people will be successful in all fields, and as we emphasized yesterday, as we were with you in the past, we will definitely be with you in the future.

end of message/

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