
We learned that our people always ride frogs

According to Tasnim, a member of the Parliament’s Industries and Mines Commission, Ekhtaz Online said about the time of submission of the regulations for the import of foreign cars by the Ministry of Security: According to the schedule, the regulations for the import of cars should be announced by the end of the week. Of course, we saw the draft regulation and we had some problems with it, which we reminded the Ministry of Privacy.

He considered limiting the import of cars to the level of 1000 cc cars as a disrespect to the people’s wishes and added: It’s like we learned that our people always ride frogs. While our people have the right to drive their favorite car and I don’t know why some of our managers like to make decisions for the people instead of the people?

Siahkali also stated that the import of cars should not be limited to a certain price and said: cars with a price below 10,000 dollars are used by a certain group of people. In general, people want a good car and they want their family to be safe and well-being when they ride in the car. On the other hand, the durability of the car is important and our people are looking for a car that goes to the repair shop less often and costs less.

He continued: Therefore, we will consider the above-mentioned matters regarding the development and amendment of the bylaws and we are pursuing the amendment of the bylaws. Anyway, the work to fix the auto industry is hard, and those who made huge profits from the auto industry for years are not going to leave this industry so easily to fix it. Of course, we also stood firm and hope that something good will happen.


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