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What are the causes of fatty liver disease and its treatment methods?

The liver is the largest organ in the body and helps you digest food, store energy and eliminate toxins from the body. The presence of fat in the liver is also normal in every human being, but if this amount is more than 5% of the weight, it is called a fatty liver. What is fatty liver disease? How is fatty liver treated and how long does it take? What are the methods to treat fatty liver that can be done at home? If you want to get answers to these questions and even prevent fatty liver disease, stay with us. Because fatty liver disease is one of the common diseases that unfortunately can be problematic.

What is fatty liver disease?

Fatty liver, also known as hepatic steatosis, occurs when excess fat accumulates in the liver. This disease is one of the common and silent diseases that many people suffer from. A healthy liver has a small amount of fat, and when this amount reaches 5 to 10% of the weight of your liver, the symptoms of fatty liver will appear and this will be a problem. Fatty liver usually does not cause damage in the early stages, but if it gets worse, it can lead to serious damage to the liver, including cirrhosis. This is the reason why it is said that if this disease is diagnosed in the early stages, it can be prevented from progressing and can even be treated by changing the lifestyle and taking medicine for fatty liver.

Types of fatty liver

This disease is divided into two main types and the cause of each one is different. Depending on such a problem, their degree of dangerousness is also separate from each other.

  1. Alcoholic fatty liver disease: In this case, the disease occurs due to excessive alcohol consumption. The liver breaks down most of the consumed alcohol in order to leave the body; But the decomposition process can lead to the production of harmful substances. These substances can damage liver cells, increase inflammation in this organ and weaken the body’s natural defenses. The more alcohol a person uses and drinks, the more severe the damage to this vital organ will be. Alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD) is the first stage of alcohol-related diseases. With continuous consumption in the later stages, a person may suffer from alcoholic hepatitis or liver cirrhosis.
  2. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: This is a type of fatty liver disease that is not related to alcohol consumption and is classified into two types. Simple type, which refers to a condition where the amount of fat in the liver is more than normal. But little inflammation or damage is seen in the liver cells or there is no damage at all. In the next type, NAFLD NASH, together with fat in the liver, inflammation and damage of liver cells can also be observed, which can cause fibrosis or ulceration. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis may also lead to cirrhosis or liver cancer.

Grading of fatty liver

The first level and the simplest type of fatty liver is grade 1. These conditions are caused by the use of unhealthy food and excessive consumption of fat. If a person increases his daily activity, he can treat this disease along with medication.

Grade 2 fatty liver is a bit more complicated than grade 1. Because the accumulated fat in the liver is more than before. Fats are stored in the form of triglycerides at this stage. Due to its greater complexity, it is more difficult to treat this disease. People with second grade fatty liver must be under the supervision of a gastroenterologist.

The difference between grade 3 fatty liver and the previous two grades is the treatment method. Lifestyle changes are not enough to treat this level of fatty liver. In this situation, you must use special medicines and be under the supervision of a doctor. Grade 3 fatty liver is called liver fibrosis and the liver wall and its tissue are completely involved.

Grade 4 fatty liver is known as liver cirrhosis. The word cirrhosis means failure, which means that the condition of the liver has reached a state where blood supply and metabolism do not occur properly. In such a situation, the person should be in line for a liver transplant as soon as possible.

Symptoms of fatty liver disease

In many cases, fatty liver has no significant symptoms. But you may feel tired or uncomfortable in the upper right side of your stomach. Yellowing of the skin and whiteness of the eyes, excessive fatigue and weakness, nausea, loss of appetite or weight loss are among the symptoms of fatty liver disease.

Symptoms of fatty liver in women

There are various factors that can lead to fatty liver in women. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to alcoholic fatty liver. However, in non-alcoholic cases; The exact cause of fatty liver is not clear. Now, the symptoms of hepatic steatosis in women include the following:

  • Severe premenstrual syndrome
  • Skin sensitivities
  • Breast tenderness
  • stomach reflex
  • dry eyes
  • Anemia
  • hair loss

Symptoms of fatty liver in men

Some people may develop fatty liver without any underlying cause. However, any of the following can indicate this disease:

  • Breast enlargement in men
  • Yellow skin and eyes
  • Loss of appetite
  • Stool color change
  • Weakness or fatigue
  • bruised skin
  • nausea
  • stomach ache
  • dizziness
  • Swelling of the legs

People prone to fatty liver

The factors mentioned below are among the most effective causes of fatty liver disease:

Obesity and overweight

Being overweight is one of the important factors of fatty liver disease. In addition to fatty liver, this problem is also related to other diseases. If your body mass index is between 25 and 30, you are overweight, and if it is above 30, you are considered obese. Try to lose weight with a healthy diet and daily exercise and prevent fatty liver.

Excessive alcohol consumption

Excessive alcohol consumption causes alcoholic fatty liver. People who are addicted to alcohol are at risk of developing fatty liver and liver failure. These substances damage liver cells and cause inflammation of this organ.

High cholesterol and triglyceride levels

High levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood increase the risk of fatty liver disease. when the amount of cholesterol in the blood increases; It accumulates in the walls of blood vessels and causes the formation of plaque. These plaques enlarge over time and block the blood flow pathSitting for a long time and not exercising causes various diseases, including non-alcoholic fatty liver. Research done in this d. On the other hand, if your blood glyceride level is high, you should change your lifestyle. Because this disease can lead to fatty liver, stroke or heart attack.

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Lack of movement, long sitting and not exercising

Not being active causes various diseases, including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Research conducted in this field has shown that fatty liver disease is more common among people who sit for a long time and have very little physical activity.

Diet and digestive system

One of the effective factors in contracting this disease is diet. Today, due to the high consumption of fast food, carbonated drinks, added sugars and sweets, the incidence of fatty liver has increased.


Genetics is also effective in causing this disease, although the gene related to this disease is still unknown. Genetic problems in some people make them more sensitive to fat accumulation in the liver.

Complications of fatty liver diseaseComplications of fatty liver disease

As mentioned, fatty liver disease is spreading day by day and almost one third of adults in industrialized countries have fatty liver. One of the complications of this disease is the increased risk of chronic liver problems such as cirrhosis and liver cancer, type 2 diabetes and heart diseases. The reason for this is the change in the function of the liver in the state of inflammation. After that, fatty liver can have a negative effect on the function of pancreatic islet cells and kidney function.

Fatty liver prevention methods

If you do not have fatty liver disease, you can prevent this disorder with the help of a healthy diet and several other methods.

  • Action to control blood sugar, triglyceride and blood cholesterol levels
  • Following the treatment plan by the doctor in case of diabetes
  • Diet breakfast for fatty liver
  • Do at least 30 minutes of exercise
  • Avoiding alcohol consumption
  • Maintain a healthy weight

Treatment of fatty liver disease

Currently, no drug has been approved for definitive treatment of this disease. But for the immediate treatment of this disease, weight loss is one of the most effective measures. Research shows that even a small amount of weight loss can have a very good effect on the treatment process. If the patient has the alcoholic type of this disease, stopping the consumption of alcohol can clean the fatty liver. The most important thing is to use food supplements with extraordinary self-preventive and therapeutic effects.

The best fatty liver supplement

Positive Green Online Pharmacy provides you with the necessary advice and medicinal products and supplements to maintain liver health.

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For some, the use of herbal supplements is very important. Livergel tablets are suitable for such people because this drug is prepared from the effective ingredients of dry extract of thistle. Silymarin acts as a strong and independent antioxidant and destroys toxic free radicals. The introduced fatty liver medicine helps to eliminate any toxic substances, harmful residues of medicinal compounds and chemical compounds.

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Buy Livergel Gol Daro tablets Livercare Health Aid tablets

Liver Care Health Aid is a completely herbal supplement formulated with the aim of maintaining liver health and improving its function. Some of the compounds of this pill have effective detoxification properties and thus help to clean the liver. The other half has the property of reducing fat accumulation and is useful in improving and eliminating fatty liver disease. Not to mention, the taurine in Liverker tablets makes the liver cells work more effectively.

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Buy Livercare Health Aid tabletsProlio barrage essential oil capsules

Prolio Barrage capsule is a well-known and effective supplement for the treatment of fatty liver. This product has a formulation that protects the liver and gall bladder as a preventive and also helps to treat fatty liver diseases and viral hepatitis. Keep in mind that herbal compounds such as artichoke, dandelion and turmeric have multiplied the effectiveness of this supplement.

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Buy Prolio Barrage essential oil capsulesLiverfit Iran Daruk tablet

Liverfit Iran Daruk tablet is a liver enhancer and liver damage preventer. This supplement is effective in the treatment of disorders such as cirrhosis, fatty liver and liver poisoning. Buying a liver supplement and using it by strengthening liver functions and its antioxidant properties can prevent damage caused by chemicals, inappropriate lifestyle and alcohol.

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Protecting the liver is one of the best ways to prevent fatty liver disease and its complications. This prevention includes avoiding drinking alcohol, following a proper diet, exercise, etc. If you have a specific disease, follow your doctor’s instructions and don’t forget the medicine you take to treat diabetes or high cholesterol. If you are suffering from fatty liver, do the treatment before the disease progresses to stay away from its complications.

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