What are the concerns of Basij artists’ organization? Iran and world’s news

According to the reporter of Mehr, after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini (RA) asked the people to mobilize to help and support the deprived people across the country. He said: “You honorable people of Iran, mobilize now with self-help and cooperation to fight against poverty and deprivation and with confirmation Oh God, make efforts to save the oppressed people.
“Basij Resistance Force” was formed on December 5, 1358 by the order of Imam Khomeini (RA), and after the approval of the Islamic Council in December 1359, it became legal and became part of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Since then, Basij Mustafafan organization has been carrying out various activities in the country to remove deprivation and provide assistance to the people of deprived areas.
In line with its activity, Basij has also entered the field of culture and art and organizes various cultural and artistic events. The Basij organization of the country’s artists is one of the divisions of the Basij organization that is active in the cultural and artistic field. This organization cooperates with all institutions, ministries and organizations that are active in the field of culture and art, including the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. .
Basij Artisan organization has photo, film, poetry, theater, calligraphy, handicrafts, arts associations Ritual, fiction, visual arts, music and hymns. These associations are active in all the cities of the country and attract and educate those interested in cultural and artistic categories and activities in these fields.
Also, this organization organizes many festivals in different fields of art.
Simultaneously with “Basij Week” with Javad Jamiri boss The Basij Artists organization has a conversation about the activity process of this organization, the vision it has considered for itself and so on influence We organized Basij artists in the field of culture and art of the country.
Basij Organization of Artists has gained a defined position in the cultural and artistic field
In this interview with Mehr reporter, Jamiri mentioned how far the Basij Artists Organization has been able to achieve its desired position in the cultural and artistic field. has been able to gain a defined position. This organization has tried to empower its members, strengthen and stabilize the identity position of art associations and groups, accelerate, empower and network art associations and groups across the country, create a think tank in the direction of creating discourse and demanding In the form of the specialized research association for the art of the revolution and the integration of recruitment, training and support for the production of artworks and its specialized network, focusing on artistic and literary associations, it should approach its desired position.
He explained about the vision he has considered for the Basij Artists Organization: the vision of the Basij Artists Organization in the horizon of the second step is a dynamic group with the refreshing presence of committed young artists of Islamic Iran and the support of artists, especially the youth, which is based on art and with a religious approach and Revolvy operates with artistic and valuable products in a professional atmosphere. Mobilization of artists with components “The mother and authority of committed and revolutionary artists”, “Having developed, vibrant and dynamic culture, art and literature”, “Inspiring artists, especially young artists revolutionary“, “The intelligent presence of artists in the artistic and literary fields”, “Providing sufficient power and strength to support and effectively and efficiently participate in the field of artistic and literary productions of the country”, “Having capable literary art organizations and associations to be used in the voids and the needs of the Islamic revolution” are listed.
There was no concern of interaction between other organizations with the mobilization of artists
Jamiri stated about the concerns of the organization in the field of culture and art and the process of dealing with them: the lack of interaction between other organizations in Basij and outside it, the lack of involvement of artists and the front and middle management of organizations in the decision-making system, the weakness of synergy between the institutions in the Basij organization. Artists and the lack of connection to the production markets, weakness in future research (with a future-making approach) in the field of culture and art are the concerns of the Basij Organization of the country’s artists, which we are working to solve.
boss The Basij Organization of Artists of the country emphasized: The Basij of Artists has tried to have cooperation and synergy with any organization and cultural and artistic organization that provides the basis for cooperation and has defined its goal to produce added value in interaction with them. The recent 2-year plans of this organization are proof of this. An effort was made to get help from the like-minded member artists and provincial managers in designing and planning the events and programs of this collection. Also, with the formation of the Fundamentals of Revolutionary Art Association, efforts should be made to conduct research on the basics and foresight in this field.
Networking of revolutionary artists in line with building a cultural and literary front
He answered the question that to reach influence What is the plan and trend of the Basij organization of artists in the field of culture and art? He reminded: Basij artists is one of the cultural and artistic organizations that promotes art and culture in the society. To achieve influence More and more in the field of culture and art, the Basij organization of great artists has plans for its members, which include the networking of revolutionary artists in the direction of building a cultural and literary front, the production of influential works and cultural and artistic flow-making measures, the production and publication of works artistically auditory And Basri pointed out to strengthen hope in the society, strengthen and develop the artistic and literary community, identify and network the elites, the educated and create convergence.
Jamiri continued: But programs such as holding art festivals, showing and criticizing films, books, poetry night programs, a series of Jihad Tabayin meetings for women artists, specialized art workshops, a conference and a series of enlightening and enlightening meetings for artists and creating a think tank in line with discourse creation and demanding In the form of the specialized research association for the art of the revolution, it is one of the planned field programs of Basij artists organization for its network and to help the field of culture and art.
Designing programs based on the cultural and artistic needs of different regions of Iran
The head of the Basij Artisan Organization, about whether pathology and continuous needs assessment for cultural and artistic needs are carried out by this organization on a continuous basis? He stated: In the grand plans of the year, in the second half of every year, the current year’s plans are evaluated, pathology, and the strengths and weaknesses of each are extracted and the weaknesses and damages are corrected for the design of the next year’s plans. But at the end of each program, the implemented program is reviewed and weaknesses are identified, and in the following programs of the year, the weaknesses are tried to be corrected. But the important point is that the design and announcement of the year’s programs are generally done based on the cultural and artistic needs of different regions of Iran and the needs assessment conducted by the provincial offices. These needs assessments are planned and organized in order to identify the needs and interests of the target community, and cultural and artistic measures have been carried out based on them.
Regarding what is the plan of the Basij Artists Organization to communicate and interact with artists as much as possible and to continue this communication and interaction, he emphasized: The plan of this organization is to communicate and interact with artists as much as possible, holding meetings, exhibitions, workshops and art conferences. and literature and organizing tourist and pilgrimage camps. These events give artists the opportunity to get acquainted with the activities and programs of Basij artists and share their ideas, and as a rule, Basij artists also benefit from the experiences and opinions of artists.