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What are the effects of the new third party insurance law?

According to the report of the financial news, quoted by the public relations and international affairs of Razi insurance, the 67th accountability Tuesdays were held in a new format with a different approach, with the presence of Mahnaz Basri – head of the car insurance issuing department and Nika Haqdadi – head of the car insurance financial loss department.

In this period of answer Tuesdays, the heads of departments of Razi Insurance Company will be guests of this program and will share their many years of experience with insurance students, agents and sales network and answer a question of the day in the insurance industry.

In this part of Answer Tuesdays, where the question related to the insurance industry was about the effect of the directive on the collection of freeway tolls when issuing third-party insurance policies on the penetration rate of insurance in the society, Mahnaz Basri said in relation to her work life: At the time of choosing a major, I was working in a holding company.

He continued: The insurance industry has a great potential for young people to participate, and it is hoped that people educated in the famous universities will enter the country’s insurance industry.

The head of Razi insurance car insurance department mentioned: With the start of university classes, I started working at the central branch of Razi insurance at the same time, which had a significant impact on my progress and gaining experience.

Basri considered working in the branch very important and noted: working in the branch introduces people to various types of insurance policies and challenges, and this experience is very valuable in the activities of the headquarters.

He suggested the secret to the success of insurance students and graduates who are looking to work in the insurance industry, people should be risk-takers and by studying and gaining experience, they should design the best rates and conditions for the policyholder, this happens when the competitors and the final policyholder are well known and analyzed.

In this regard, Nika Haqdadi – the head of the car insurance financial loss department of Razi Insurance Company said: At the time of choosing the major, it was possible to study in the field of insurance and law, and the family was interested in continuing my studies in the field of law, but the consultant suggested to choose a field that has a very good job market.

He continued: Currently, besides the university, educational institutions have paid attention to the field of insurance, and in these rounds, not only theoretical topics are discussed, but issues are analyzed and investigated as an educational example.

The head of the car insurance financial loss department of Razi insurance company reminded: In the insurance industry, theoretical training should be placed alongside experience so that a person can go through the growing process, because many methods are not taught theoretically during consultation, issuance and payment of claims, and different models are designed and used from the experience of others.

How to be a representative?

In response to a question about what advice he has for the sales network, Basri said: Paying attention to the customer is very important, and this is despite the fact that in recent years, representatives pay special attention to their growth and have neglected the customer.

He continued: The sales network should select, identify and improve its information about the target market, and at the same time, by increasing communication with other representatives and managers of branches and headquarters of insurance companies, it should deal with marketing and providing advice to customers.

In this regard, Haqdadi said: The sales network should divide its customers into two groups of small and large customers and design a unique strategy for each of these customers.

He clarified: The micro-insurer is looking for a sense of trust from the agent, and if a sense of trust is created, the insured will refer to an agent for many years, and everything for a loyal insurer is not just the rate.

First the fees, then the insurance policy

According to this report, in the past few days, a new policy was announced during the issuance of third-party insurance policies, which many people believe will have a significant impact on the reduction of the issuance of third-party micro-insurance policies, because it will make the issuance process difficult and long for the policyholder.

Currently, many people do not know how to pay their freeway tolls, and electronic processes are not as reliable as they should be.

In this regard, Haqdadi – the head of the automobile insurance financial loss department stated: 11 days have passed since the implementation of this plan, and the criticism of this plan was based on its poor communication, and it seems that insurance companies should use the opportunity created and inform about this issue in addition to the advertising aspect.

This expert in the insurance industry noted: The studies show that the cost of freeway tolls is not as big as it has a big name, and the companies and the sales network of the insurance industry can create a good market for themselves by advertising and providing proper information.

In this context, Basri pointed out: In the recent circular, the challenges created should be identified, that the lack of awareness of the insured is one of the most important challenges ahead, and the sales network alone should not inform and advertise, and insurance companies should work with the sales network in this regard.

He continued: The challenge of delay in issuing third-party insurance policy will not only affect the policyholder and will cause damage to the bodily injury insurance fund.

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