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What are the side effects of iron drops in infants and ways to prevent them?

Iron deficiency is one of the most common types of anemia worldwide. Since iron plays an important role in the body, it is clear that its deficiency will have unpleasant side effects. In general, all parents are advised to give their child foreign or Iranian iron drops every day from the age of 6 months until the end of the age of two to prevent anemia. In this article, we will review the side effects of iron drops and also the ways to prevent its occurrence.

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What are the side effects of not taking iron drops in children?

Iron is an important element in the production of proteins that are responsible for transporting oxygen. If these proteins are deficient or lacking, the body will have a problem. When babies’ bodies are deficient in oxygen, their organs do not receive the oxygen they need to perform various activities. According to research, infants who have not taken iron supplements by the age of two have symptoms of anemia. Symptoms can include weakness, fatigue, lack of concentration, anxiety, and even severe brain damage.

The age of onset of iron drops in children is from the end of 6 months and at the same time with the start of complementary food. However, if the baby is born prematurely or underweight, or has anemia from birth, your doctor may prescribe iron drops before 6 months of age.

What are the symptoms of iron deficiency in infants?

Before discussing the effects of iron drops in infants, we will explain the signs and symptoms of anemia in children. Each of these symptoms can indicate iron deficiency in children:

  • Lack of appetite
  • Abnormal skin color (paleness)
  • Child restlessness
  • Immobility
  • Decreased learning performance
  • Early fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Weakening of the immune system
  • Delay in performing motor skills
  • Decreased IQ
  • Physical weakness
  • Lack of focus
  • Boredom
  • aggression
  • Decreased physical growth
  • short

These are signs of iron deficiency in infants and children. Of course, care should be taken in consuming iron, because consuming iron in drops may have side effects. Complications of iron drops in infants and children are shown in different ways. The next section describes the side effects of the drops in a more comprehensive way.

Complications of iron drops in infants

Iron is one of the minerals needed by the body, and excessive consumption of it can cause poisoning. Therefore, medications and iron drops should be kept out of the reach of children. The most important side effects that can occur after taking iron drops are:

Teeth blackening due to iron drops

You must have seen babies who have black teeth and the beauty of their faces and smiles is affected by these black or brown spots. The presence of iron ions in iron supplements that are supplied in liquid form changes the color of the teeth. Fortunately, this problem is not without a solution. Nowadays, pharmacists have introduced iron drops to the market in which iron ions are covered by a membrane and do not cause any kind of stain due to the lack of direct contact with the oral components. We will introduce this example of drops in the next sections.

Gastrointestinal side effects caused by iron drops

Another side effect of iron drops for infants is gastrointestinal disorders such as heartburn, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and constipation. These complications occur due to the contact of iron ions with the lining of the stomach. What is the solution? For children with these complications, iron drops can be used that do not cause gastrointestinal problems. These drops are easily available in pharmacies.
Stool discoloration

Discoloration of the baby’s stool after taking iron drops

Does the iron drop change the color of the stool? Yes; Many mothers worry about discoloration of their stool after the first time they give their child iron supplements. Some parents say that their child’s stools are black or greenish. This symptom is not at all disturbing and is considered completely normal. With the end of the iron drop, the color of your child’s stool will become its usual color.

Is tooth decay a side effect of iron drops in infants?

We said that the use of iron drops in infants and children causes dark spots on the teeth. But you should know that these stains and discoloration have nothing to do with tooth decay. If your child’s teeth decay while eating iron drops, look for the cause in other cases. For example, he may have consumed a lot of sugary substances such as chocolate and not brushed his teeth.
Introducing iron drops without complications

Introducing iron drops without gastrointestinal complications and blackening of teeth

Some iron supplements are formulated as follows یون Iron does not come into direct contact with the components of the mouth as well as the gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, following the consumption of this type of black iron drops, tooth pain, stomach pain, nausea and… are not observed. Here are some of these drops: Sideral Iron Drop, Liposuction (Liposomal) BSK, Simorgh Attar Daroo Ferrosomal Iron Drop and Aerofix Dionix Pharma Drop.

The mentioned products can be easily purchased from pharmacies without the need for a doctor’s prescription, both online and in person.

What can we do to reduce the side effects of taking iron drops?

Get help from the following solutions:

  • Buy iron drops that do not have side effects and do not blacken the teeth.
  • Pour the iron supplement into the corner of the baby’s lip or the tip of the tongue so that it does not come in contact with the teeth.
  • Give your child water after giving iron drops.
  • If your child has gastrointestinal side effects from iron supplementation, it may be best to give this supplement with food to your child as this will reduce the risk of side effects. But the disadvantage of this approach is that taking iron supplements with food may reduce its absorption.

For better absorption of iron in the body, use sources of vitamin C such as citrus along with it. For example, take an iron supplement with a glass of orange juice.

The best time to take iron drops for babies

The best time you can choose to give your child iron drops is when his stomach is empty. Therefore, it is recommended 1 hour before and 2 hours after eating. Of course, to reduce the side effects of iron drops in infants, you can give it with a meal. But be aware that consuming calcium sources such as milk at the same time interferes with iron absorption. Therefore, never give iron drops to the baby next to the milk and also do not put the drop in the milk.


Side effects of iron drops in infants include blackening of the teeth and gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, constipation and discoloration of the stool. Here are some tips to help you reduce these side effects. When you can give your baby complementary foods, try to use more natural sources of iron to minimize the risk of anemia in your baby. Have you ever noticed any side effects from giving iron drops to your child? Share your experiences with us and the readers of Green Positive Online Pharmacy Magazine in the comments section.

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