What are the symptoms of teeth grinding? 😬

Grinding teeth means to press your teeth together completely involuntarily. This happens mostly in sleep for some people. Various factors can be effective in the occurrence of teeth grinding. Factors such as stress, taking some medications, etc. Fortunately, with the advancement of science, there are treatments for teeth grinding. In this article, we will first discuss what the symptoms of teeth grinding are, and then we will mention the cause and ways of treatment.
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What is tooth grinding?
Grinding means pressing your teeth together; So that the teeth rub against each other, but do not have any authority over this action. It might be interesting for you to know that half of the world’s population suffers from teeth grinding from time to time. Teeth grinding mostly happens in sleep, but even while awake, some people may experience teeth grinding.
If you grind your teeth in a dream, you usually won’t notice it yourself. The people sleeping next to you are probably the first people to notice your teeth grinding. Both adults and children can suffer from grinding teeth.
One of the important factors of teeth grinding is stress. You may have seen many times that some people clench their teeth when they are angry. Also, sometimes some people clench their teeth very hard while concentrating.
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What are the symptoms of teeth grinding?
The most important symptoms of teeth grinding are as follows:
- Headache, pain in the jaw joint and earache
- Toothache, especially immediately after waking up
- Pain in the temples just after waking up
- Pain in the jaw when chewing (especially when eating breakfast)
- Clenching of teeth when angry, stressed, or focused
- Teeth become sensitive to temperature
- Chipped or cracked tooth enamel
- Raised tissue inside the cheek (caused by biting)
- Loosening of teeth
- Dull headache starting from the temples
What are the dangers of teeth grinding?
Problems that may occur due to teeth grinding are as follows:
- Cracked tooth enamel
- Abrasion and cracking of teeth
- Excessive pressure on the jaw joint
- Pain in the jaw joint and as a result limited movement
- Complete tooth loss (rare)
- Enlargement of the jaw muscles (rarely occurs)
- Teeth sensitivity to hot and cold foods
Tooth grinding is more common in children than in adults.
The cause of children’s teeth grinding in sleep
Many parents notice their child’s teeth grinding especially in sleep. However, because the child’s teeth and jaw grow rapidly, there is usually no need for treatment, and when the child grows older, this problem will be resolved by itself. The cause of children’s teeth grinding in sleep can be one of the following:
- Stress or anxiety
- The teeth are not arranged to fit together
- Response to pain (pains such as earache or toothache)
- Other medical conditions such as epilepsy, cerebral palsy, sleep apnea, gastric reflux, etc.
Research shows that teeth grinding is more common in hyperactive children than other children.
Grinding teeth in sleep
Teeth grinding is also called bruxism. What is the sign of teeth grinding in a dream? The cause of teeth grinding in sleep can be one of the following:
- Stress and anxiety
- sleep disorders
- Improper alignment of the teeth (teeth misalignment)
- Smoking and alcohol consumption
- Taking some medications such as antidepressants
Teeth grinding in wakefulness
In general, there are two types of teeth grinding. One is in sleep, which we explained in the previous section, and the other is teeth grinding while awake. The cause of teeth grinding when waking up may be due to emotions such as anxiety, stress, anger, frustration or tension. Also, teeth grinding can be considered a coping strategy or a habit during deep concentration in some people.
The cause of pressing the teeth together when awake
The cause of pressing the teeth together in wakefulness, if it is unconscious and involuntary, can be rooted in stress and anxiety. Also, anger, toothache, and teeth not being arranged together are other factors that affect teeth grinding during waking up.
Do you know that 10% of adults and 15% of children suffer from teeth grinding?
Treatment of adult grinding teeth in sleep
There is no specific medicine for teeth grinding. The dentist may suggest buying a night guard. The night guard can be ordered to be made specifically for the person, and it can also be prepared from pharmacies.
The best treatment for adult teeth grinding in sleep is to first discover the cause of this problem. For example, if the cause of teeth grinding is rooted in anxiety and stress, you can use stress management techniques and get help from a psychologist.
Brushing the teeth at night before going to sleep is much more recommended by experts than brushing the teeth in the morning after waking up. Click on the provided link to buy a toothbrush from the best brands.
What is a teeth grinding guard?
In the previous part of the article, we mentioned the Night Guard. A night guard is a cover that is used to protect the teeth from wear during teeth grinding. Night guard can be used at night or during the day.
The best time to use this device should be determined by the dentist. Night guards are usually made of plastic such as acrylic, acetate or vinyl. Nightguard can be pre-made or custom. Nightguards aren’t just for gnashing teeth; It is sometimes recommended to help treat snoring or other problems. Be sure to brush your teeth with a suitable toothpaste before putting the night guard in your mouth before going to bed.
Home remedies for teeth grinding in sleep
You can use the following solutions for the home treatment of teeth grinding in sleep:
- Put a night guard on your teeth before going to bed.
- Do jaw exercises: Open your mouth, try to touch your front teeth with your tongue. This exercise helps to relax the jaw muscles and is effective in treating teeth grinding at home.
- Place a warm compress on both sides of your jaw for 15 minutes. A warm compress can relax the jaw muscles and increase blood circulation in the area.
- Doing meditation and yoga during the day can be effective in treating adult teeth grinding during sleep because it reduces stress and anxiety.
- Eat foods rich in magnesium: Magnesium helps improve mood and calm the nerves. It also plays a role in relaxing muscle tissues. You can also use magnesium tablets to supply the magnesium your body needs.
- Drink turmeric milk: Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and helps relieve pain in the jaw muscles. Relaxing muscles plays a role in preventing teeth grinding.
- Instead of caffeinated drinks like coffee, go for teas that can calm your nerves. like tea Chamomile. You can also drink a cup of green tea before going to sleep to prevent teeth grinding in your sleep with a positive effect on your mental peace.
Prevent teeth grinding
In order to prevent teeth grinding, we suggest the following solutions:
- Avoid smoking, drugs and alcohol.
- Do dental examinations regularly (twice a year) so that problems caused by grinding teeth can be treated as soon as possible.
- Also, if you have irregular teeth, see a doctor to improve them.
- If you feel that anxiety and stress or nervous disorders are bothering you, see a psychologist for treatment.
- Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks.
Teeth grinding can be prevented with the above solutions.
What is the method of diagnosing teeth grinding?
To diagnose bruxism or teeth grinding, you should see a dentist. The dentist first checks the condition of the jaw muscles. Then, the way the teeth are placed together, the possible damage to the teeth and gums will be examined.
In the next step, the dentist will ask questions about the amount of stress during the day, the quality of sleep and the medications that the person may be using. In some cases, it may be necessary to take an OPG photo of the teeth to examine their condition more precisely.
Is teeth grinding a sleep disorder?
By researching teeth grinding, researchers have found that teeth grinding can be introduced as a type of sleep disorder in the central nervous system. Factors that can worsen teeth grinding include stress and anxiety, drinking alcohol, heredity, taking certain medications such as antidepressants, and smoking.
Don’t forget to floss before going to bed. A toothbrush will never replace dental floss.
Parasitic gnashing of teeth
Some studies show that there may be a connection between the presence of parasites in the body and the occurrence of teeth grinding. Sometimes, teeth grinding can be considered as one of the signs of the presence of parasites in the body; Especially in children’s bodies. In general, children’s bodies are more susceptible to parasitic infections than adults.
The parasite interferes with the absorption of nutrients in the body. Therefore, you must take action to treat it. Worms and hookworms can play a role in teeth grinding.
A final word on the symptoms of teeth grinding
A vague headache that starts from the temples, a pain similar to an earache, and damage to the jaw, teeth, and gums can be symptoms of teeth grinding while sleeping or waking up. Grinding teeth in children often resolve as they grow older, but this problem can exist even in adulthood.
To treat teeth grinding, try to find its cause first. For example, if stress and anxiety are the cause, try to solve them. At the end of this article from Positive Green Online Pharmacy magazine, if you have any questions, be sure to leave us a comment.