“What do we know about Iranian drama?” Released

The book “What do we know about Iranian drama?” It was published by Goya Publishing House with the topic of getting to know traditional shows for teenagers.
Charso Press: Goya publication of the book “What do we know about Iranian drama?” has published
The book “What do we know about Iranian drama?” Written by Manouchehr Akbarloo It introduces shows such as Ta’ziyeh, Naqali, Terna Bazi, Perdah reading, women’s games, black games and puppet shows.
Manouchehr Akbarloo, born in 1341 in Tehran, is a master of art research, playwright, critic and teacher of performing arts, who has published 150 books by his author.
The book “What do we know about Iranian drama?” It is published by Goya publishing house in 96 pages with color pictures and at a price of 45 thousand tomans.