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What happened in the strange night of television?

If you have been watching TV in the last two or three nights, you probably know more or less what happened in the Yalda TV specials. For the longest night of 1402 and of course one night before and one night after that, the national media had prepared numerous programs on various networks and of course had a different approach than last year.

Charso Press: In this report, we have an overview of the most important Yalda special programs on TV this year, with the necessary explanation that several TV channels aired the last special Yalda program last night, Friday, the first of January, but because this report is on Friday evening and before the broadcast of this episode. compiled, it has been prepared by looking at the Wednesday night and Thursday night episodes of these programs.

Channel 1’s music-oriented special program
Yak Sima channel, which spent last year’s Yalda with the program “Shabroshani” with the presence of public and non-public figures and even avoided public figures as much as possible, changed its approach this time in lovely Iran and with the performance of Pedram Karimi, who previously It also runs movie programs, by inviting the actors of the series “Mastoran” to take a completely different path than last year. This program, which was produced in the presence of 350 spectators in front of the camera, started on the first night with a song by Mohammad Motamedi and then a conversation with the singer and the poet Mohammad Mahdi Siyar, the topic of which was Yalda and their artistic activity. In this mobile section, of course, he also recited poetry. After this conversation, Bakhtiari local music group came on stage and after performing a song, some local traditions of this people were explained in their own language. Then Hoshang Javid, a music expert who was a guest of Yalda on Channel 1 last year, became a guest of Pedram Karimi in Iran and talked to this host about Iranian music, especially Bakhtiari. Another song by Mohammad Motamedi was the continuation of this program so that lovely Iran can reach the main conversation with the popular movie face of these days; God’s power, who these days with “How many springs will be over?” It can be seen and a few days ago, he was a guest of the “2 Shot” home program, as the next guest, he appeared in front of Pedram Karimi, the host of Iran Dareshtani, to have a humorous conversation, which happened to be welcomed by the audience in the hall. Izadi then joked with Alireza Eftekhari and dabbed on this singer’s song. Official music singers were also other guests of the program. At midnight, it was the turn of the next actor. Fariba, an expert on Iranian cinema and TV actresses, became a lovely guest and told about her Yalda memories. After this artist, Ali Nazari Toulabi, the young talent of the “New Era” contest, came on stage and performed a song, and then he was a guest of Pedram Karimi’s conversation, and the end of this program was another song by Mohammad Motamedi. The second episode of “Lovely Iran” that aired on Channel One on Thursday night began with a detailed performance by the Mazandarani music group, and the members of this group also participated in a conversation with Pedram Karimi, the host of the program. Ismail Azar was the second guest of this program who talked about Yalda night, its customs and traditions with Pedram Karimi and also performed Hafez Khani tradition. After Azar, the Yalday 1402 night special program of Channel 1, which apparently went in front of the camera with a local music approach, hosted a local music group from Abadani who came to the stage of Lovely Iran to become the subject of a conversation about the music of Abadan and this city after performing a piece. Finally, perform another piece and leave the stage. The presence of the grandmothers present in the hall on the stage and playing the song “Grandmother’s House” and then a conversation with one of the grandmothers were other parts of this program that did not attract much attention to the audience. Mohammad Heshmati, who was the guest of Pedram Karimi’s conversation with two songs, was the second guest of this program and even performed a few verses of the famous song “Lovers of the Window Open” live. In this segment, which was aired in the early hours of the night, there was a permanent subtitle on the image in an interesting way, which advertised for the presence of the guests of the late night and main part of the program and called the audience of Sima to watch it.
In the second part of this program, which aired late at night, the program was completely at the disposal of movie and television celebrities in its usual sense; Again, after a song by Mohammad Motamedi, Kaveh Khodashanas and Mohia Dehghani, two of the main actors of the Mastoran series, which is aired on Yak Sima channel these nights, faced the host and explained about this series. Lovely Iran is one of the few programs in Yalda 1402 TV that did not make a special effort to use Instagram faces and become viral. Actors’ Yalda reminiscences and Kaveh Khodashanas’s singing formed the next part of this 25-minute long and detailed conversation. This program continued until the last minutes with the performance of songs by local singers and a conversation with them, until it was hosted by Mohammad Barmai, the host of the Ramadan program “Dawat” on channel 1, and socially, culturally and jihadist youths with him.

“Yalda” TV channel 3
Channel 3’s program with the simple title “Yalda” was the first special Yalda program of 1402 TV that reached the air. With the financial support of three sponsors, including two banks, the program went in front of the camera in a studio reminiscent of a New Age pageant scene. The program started with the presence of Khodadad Azizi and talking about the match “Stare Saz” on Channel 3 and Iranian football. After a few minutes, Firoz Karimi, Siros Dinmohammadi and Javad Khabani also came to the stage and the discussion became more football. The occasional jokes of Azizi, Karimi, and Qalazi added laughter to the conversation, but Kani’s presence made the discussion serious and Qalazi took the conversation to the saga of 8 Azar in Melbourne. After a song by Sina Hejazi, then Youssef Timuri was added as the second presenter and started his strange jokes with the guests as if it was a clear attempt to go viral and it continued for the next two nights. With his presence, Khabani somehow became a presenter and made some words about mothers that went viral. The most detailed discussion of these three nights was the first discussion between football figures who tried to get laughs from the audience with the presence of the couple Khodadad Azizi and Firoz Karimi and street quotes that had the capacity to become viral. This program continued with a song by Babak Afra and the presence of a large family on the 65th wedding anniversary with the presence of children, grandchildren and the results. The Yalda program ended very quickly after one or two questions of faith from Shahab Moradi “Class of Singles”. Omid Hajili sang a happy song and then it was Yusef Timuri’s turn to host his actor guests alone. Bijan Banafsehkhah, the guest of the program, started a kind of conversation with Timuri and Soroush Jamshidi, the other guest of the program, from his arrival in the studio, and of course Banafsehkhah’s friendly chats were accompanied by Timuri’s impromptu jokes, which smelled of trying to go viral. you will arrive. In a stand-up recorded in another part of the studio, Hassan Rivandi talked about the difference between men and women, and of course he also used sound effects such as the audience’s laughter. Saeed Fathi-Roshan, the magician of “New Era” came to the studio for a performance and after surprising the guests, it was the turn of a song by Mohammad Motamedi. The final part of the first night of Yalda on Channel 3 was the short appearance of the women’s national ice hockey team, who were runners-up in their first appearance at the Asian Games. Yalda’s second program on Wednesday night started with a song by Sina Hejazi and then continued with the presence of Iran’s snake king and his three children on stage who have a center for keeping poisonous reptiles. The guests’ poetry readings, jokes about her fear of reptiles, explanations about their family profession, etc. were the topics of conversation, and then it was Omid Hajili’s turn, who is Yalda’s constant foot in these nights. Youssef Timuri came on the stage by scaring Qiyasi and quickly started his jokes these nights. In another stand-up about family relationships, Hassan Rivandi normalized the two-sided jokes from the waist down. Then, Hadi Amel and four wrestlers from the National Azad team came to the stage and discussed sports with analogy. Bahman Hashemi, doubler and host of the “Midoon” contest on Channel Three, and Tenni, one of the TV doublers, were the next guests of this program, and finally, with a song by Mohammad Motamedi, this part came to an end. After a few more minutes of conversation with the doubles, a happy song by Omid Hajili about Iran was played, and then it was time to talk with Mina Mehrnoush, Leila Otadi and Setare Eskandari about Yalda night and their memories of this night. Iman Ghayasi joked with Mehrnoosh’s judge in the Midon and Sanvasal competition of his guests, and after Hasan Rivandi’s more or less repetitive stand-up comedy about marriage and childbearing, Yusuf Timuri came to the field and this time from the very first minute of his appearance on the air, he started making jokes that are far from the dignity of the media. ; To the extent that once again Bijan Banafshekhah’s nose was likened to the nose of a Sukhoi fighter plane with a strange display of his index finger, and he considered Saeed Fathiroshen’s face to be a combination of Abraham Lincoln and Farhad Ayish. Saeed Fathiroshen performed an interesting magic with his reappearance.

Nesimi’s factors in “Nesimishu”
In a very strange and thought-provoking choice, the Nasim network shortened the three-hour Yaldai special program “Shootball” that it aired last year into one and a half hours and aired it on Thursday evening! The selection that was not clear for what reason happened; Did this network not have the possibility to produce the Yalda program in the evening, or the special Yalda 1401 shootball, according to the managers of this network, had a special and impressive quality that could have been rebroadcast the following year. Although the reason for this decision is not clear, whatever it is, probably other programs such as “Khandwane” or “Dorhami”, which were the production sites of Yalda’s attractive special programs in previous years, could have been better choices for rebroadcasting, even if this network starts to rebroadcast “Ab and Atash” ” or “Khosh Namak 2” maybe it was more professional than this. Anyway, after this decision, Nasim aired the half-hour program “Nasim Ava” with the performance of Mohammad Reza Mohebi, in which there was an interview with Hamed Muharnia and Mohammad Hashmati. Muharnia narrated her memories of composing for Yalda and her song becoming a hit, and Heshmati told about her career and future plans. The main special program of Nasim network for Yalda 1402 was the first episodes of the Nasimi show, which will be aired on Thursdays and Fridays from now on. And Nasimishow can probably be considered the only special evening program of Sima channels that was not aired live, but in a production form. This program, performed by Parham Omrani, is supposed to present an attractive war to the audience using the treasure of entertaining programs of the Nasim network in the past years. Omrani Nasimi started his show with “Panke” and “Bassim” two programs of this network, which are not very popular with the audience. After their appearance, it was the turn of the actors of the “Jorchin” series, which aired on Nasim last year. This time, of course, the presence of Yazdan Fatuhi, the trainer of funny talents, and Mohammad Hajizadeh, one of the participants of “Be Laughing”, made the faces more familiar to the audience than before. The next part of the competition program was the two fan and wireless programs, which was performed by Pedram Ebdan in the game room for the Nasimishow competition. A selection of the funny parts of the first season of the “Begho Bakhand” talent competition and a song performed by Najm al-Thaqib’s song group was the next part of the competition. Then the second host of the program, Hadih Bidy, came and told about the memories of Yaldai. The interesting thing is that the main parts of Nasimishow were among the few Yalda night programs of the national media, and it seems that no special effort was made to make its parts viral in the virtual space. The next part of the program was the stand-up comedy of Hana Sotohi, the talent of “Show Laughter 3”, with the theme of Yalda and the new traditions of the night. The main winning card of this program, which had been a part of Nasim’s Yalda advertising for the previous weeks, was the presence of “Janab Khan”, the popular “Khandwane” doll, as a telephone guest of this program, who joked with Parham Omrani. The unfortunate thing is that Mr. Khan and the host of the program did not turn out to be interesting and funny, and despite some interesting jokes of the popular doll, especially “Parham” and “Chai Debash”, this winning card somehow burned and he did not make an attractive presence in Nesimishu. The important news was the presence of Mr. Khan in the “Cup of Wishes” charity program, special for the Nasim channel, during the 2024 Asian Nations Cup. After another game in the game room with the presence of the “Jorchin” series crew, it was the turn of Babak Afra’s Yaldai song and a conversation with this singer and Morteza Zare and Majid Fattahi, the host and producer of the “Qandun” program. The singer Sadegh Sheikhzadeh was another guest of this part of Nasimishow. These conversations were accompanied by reminiscence and recitation of Yaldai, and then it was the turn of Hana Sotohi and Mohammad Hossein Tavasli of the smiling talents to participate in the short conversation of this program.

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