
What happened to the 3-day solution to the stock market problem? / Is China’s cooperation in the national internet project a rumor?

According to Tejarat News, the 13th government promised a three-day solution to the stock market problem, while so far we have not seen any progress in the overall stock market index. When are stock market problems going to be solved?

As the world of economy According to the report, the total stock index fell by 30,000 units two days ago to reach 1,275,000 units at the end of trading, and this news has been circulating among shareholders and market participants since August last year, when the total stock index fell by 35 percent. About 100,000 billion tomans of real capital has left the stock market.

This was another issue that raised the voice of the scholarship community on Twitter. In this regard, one of the users of the Twitter account of the stock exchanges wrote on his page: “The total stock market index fell again to the channel of 1.2 million units. “The worse news is that the homogeneous index reached its lowest level this year and also since the stock market began to fall in August ’99.” He also thanked the government for solving the stock market problem in three days.

Solve the stock exchange problem in three days

Also yesterday, in the middle of a dispute in one of the stock exchange forums, the issue was raised by some activists in the field of capital markets that the forum in which the conflict took place is affiliated with the institution whose chairman was supposed to set up the stock exchange for three days. These people were referring to the words of Judge Hashemi, who claimed that the stock market problem could be solved today. “The stock market dilemma can be solved, the acute problem of the capital market can be solved in three days, and it needs a government order from the president,” he told a news conference on June 25.

Judge Hashemi, who was the deputy speaker of the parliament at the time, had stated that the stock market problem would be solved if the pastor was reached. Although he did not become the head of government, he is now the head of the Martyr Foundation and the vice president. A person who said in the first debate of the presidential candidates: “The stock market has an acute issue and a structural and chronic issue, the structural part of which is being reformed in the parliament, and the acute part of which is predicted by three instructions in the first three or four days of the government. “Let’s move towards improving the capital market.”

However, there has been a clash in the assembly, which is a subset of the body chaired by Judge Hashemi. Government order to solve the stock market problem today.

Of course, some users also addressed the head of the Martyr Foundation, asking the question that solving the problem of the stock exchange in three days, I wish that this bank and its investors would take action to solve their problems and conflicts.

China builds national internet

But another topic that has been on the social network Twitter and Instagram for the past day or two is the news of China building a national Internet. This issue once again raised the concern of cyberspace users in the implementation of the protection plan and cut off their access to the global Internet.

Yesterday, however, an Instagram user wrote about this news on the personal page of the 13th Minister of Communications on this social network, and asked the question whether you are going to cooperate with China in the national internet project or not? In response to this user, the Minister of Communications of the government simply wrote to him that “rumors are baseless.” However, there is pessimism and mistrust among social media users. Despite sharing the image of the Minister of Communications’s response to the rumor of the Chinese presence in the construction of the Iranian national Internet, but at the same time wrote about the issue that every time the country’s officials and officials have denied or called it a rumor, a few Later we realized that the news or rumor was true and finally implemented.

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