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What is a gainer supplement? And what are the benefits?

In order to increase muscle mass and also increase weight, Gainer supplement can be selected and used from among bodybuilding supplements. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are the compounds in gainer. There are different types of gainer and based on the purpose of consuming it, the desired type should be selected. In this article, we try to explain everything you need to know about Gainer supplement. What is a gainer supplement?

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Types of gainer supplements

To become more familiar with Gainer supplement, you should know its types:

Weight gainer

As the weight gainer suggests, it can be used to increase weight. This supplement is rich in carbohydrates and provides high calories for the body and also raises fat levels. In addition to carbohydrates, fat and protein are also present in the weight gainer, but the amount of protein used in it is small compared to other compounds. The weight gainer provides about 700 to 1000 kcal per serving for the body. People who are very thin (ectomorphic) can use a weight gainer to improve their weight.

Volume gainer

Copper gainers can be used to increase muscle mass. In general, volume gainer is high in protein, medium in carbohydrates and low in fat. Since the protein content in this supplement is high, it has a significant effect on increasing muscle volume. People with ectomorphic to mesomorphic body types can use a mass gainer when they are in the process of building muscle. Gainer copper provides the body with 450 to 1000 kcal of energy per serving, depending on the compounds used. Sometimes amino acids, vitamins, and minerals are added to the volume gainer to make it more effective.

Choose weight gainer or volume gainer?

People who are underweight and have difficulty gaining weight (hard gainer) can use weight gainer along with their exercise. Some people gain too much weight due to high metabolism or certain diseases. These people are also called ectomorphic. But to gain muscle weight, if you want to consume gainer, your choice should be volume gainer. Gainer Volume or Copper Gainer, due to its high protein content, not only plays a role in building muscle, but also helps improve recovery and reduces post-workout muscle soreness. With the help of Gainer, muscle wasting can also be prevented. Use a weight gainer to increase weight and a volume gainer to increase muscle mass.

How to take gainer supplements

In answer to the question what is Gainer? We have described the types of gainers in the previous sections. Depending on the ingredients used in Gainer, the recipe is different. Therefore, the best solution is to prioritize the Gainer consumption order that you have purchased and act accordingly. Gainer can provide about 350 to 1200 calories per serving for the body. Gainer is mostly supplied in powder form. This powder can be used in combination with water, milk or other beverages.

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The best time to consume weight gainer

The best time to take weight gainer is in the morning with breakfast, after exercise and before bed. Gainer can be used several times during the day. This means dividing your intake and not delivering it to the body all at once. For example, you can use 2 servings of weight gainer for breakfast, 1 serving after exercise and 1 serving before bed to be more successful in gaining weight.

The best time to consume volume gainer

You can choose different times to use mass gainers:

Consume volume gainer before training

About 30 minutes before the start of exercise, you can use a volume gainer. Consumption of volume gainer at this time due to its high protein content can help prevent muscle wasting when metabolism is high.

Gainer volume after exercise

The best time to take a gainer supplement, which is used to increase muscle mass, can be selected after exercise. 30 minutes after a workout is a good time to help build muscle. At this time, it can also help speed up recovery and relieve muscle pain.

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Gainer Copper

What is the best gainer supplement?

Now you know what a gainer supplement is? Here are some examples of the best gainer supplements:

You can find and buy the mentioned Gainer supplements along with many other supplements in the positive green online pharmacy.

Types of gainers

What are the side effects of Gainer supplement?

Here are the most important side effects of Gainer supplement:

Adverse weight gain

This problem is more common with weight gainers. Gainer can have a high sugar content and lead to weight gain by increasing body fat. Weight gain, blood pressure fluctuations, hyperlipidemia and heart problems can also occur and be dangerous. Gainer contents should be checked for carbohydrates, proteins and fats and you should consume the right amount every day to avoid unwanted weight gain. Weight gain may occur even with volume gainer.

Risk of diabetes

In some gainers, the sugar content is very high and in addition to gaining weight, a person may also have type 2 diabetes. Therefore, one of the most important side effects of Gainer supplementation can be high blood sugar. If you want to avoid this complication, when buying a gainer supplement, choose a product that has low carbohydrates, lean protein and healthy fats. Always read the labels on the supplement you buy to choose the product that suits you.

Gastrointestinal side effects of Gainer supplementation

If you use a large amount of gainer in each serving, digestive problems may occur. These problems can include bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. If the protein in your gainer comes from an animal source and you also have lactose intolerance, the risk of gastrointestinal complications increases. If you have this type of problem, use a gainer whose protein is derived from plant sources such as soy, peas, and so on.

Damage to the liver and kidneys due to the use of gainer?

Copper gainers are high in protein. Excessive consumption of them may increase the concentration of protein in the body to such an extent that the liver can not process it properly. Dehydration due to the use of gainer supplement is another complication that may occur with the use of this supplement, in which case the liver is also damaged. So do not forget to drink plenty of water while using Gainer. Gainer’s high protein content may also damage kidney health. But note that these side effects will occur more if you overuse this product in the long run. So you do not need to worry too much about Gainer supplementation and focus your mind on its side effects.

Foreign gainer price

Unfortunately, foreign gainer powder is now very rare or even rare. But many domestic factories have started to produce this supplement with qualities that can compete with foreign types. You can easily find these supplements in many pharmacies, including Green Positive Online Pharmacy. Buying a bodybuilding supplement from a pharmacy will ease your mind about the originality of the product. The price of Iranian gainer depends on the quality of the brand as well as the volume of the product. Gainer powder 1000 grams can be easily found in the market now in the price range of 250 to 300 thousand tomans. Of course, since prices are constantly changing, we suggest you check the green positive pharmacy to make sure.

Help table for choosing weight or volume gainer supplements

By reading this table, you can make a good choice:

Weight gainerGainer volume
It has more calories than gainer volume.It weighs fewer calories than Gainer.
The ratio of carbohydrates to protein is higher.The ratio of protein to carbohydrates is higher.
Gainer weighs less fiber.Gainer has more fiber volume.
Suitable for weight gain.Suitable for muscle building.

Concluding remarks

What is a gainer supplement? In answer to this question, we provide you with complete information about gainer. There are different types of gainer and according to the purpose of your consumption, you should choose the type you need. Gainer supplementation is more likely to occur only when you take more than the recommended amount. Comments on Green Positive Online Pharmacy Magazine Articles are answered by physicians and sports supplement experts. So if you have any questions about Gainer Supplement, enter them in the comments section and wait until you get the answer very soon.

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