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What is central lip?

Lips are one of the components that affect the beauty of the face and increase the attractiveness of the appearance to a significant extent, that’s why many women and even men pay special attention to its changes. One of the completely natural changes that occurs in every person with age is the increase in the distance between the nose and lips; These changes sometimes give an unpleasant effect to the face, that’s why many people look for lip lift or central lip.

The central lip lift will reduce the distance between the nose and lips and has many effects on beautifying the face as well as increasing self-confidence; In this article, we are going to discuss the issues related to central lip and its side effects, so stay with us until the end of this article from the online positive green pharmacy magazine.

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Central lip lift

Like many cosmetic surgeries, lip lift also begins with the injection of anesthetics; In lip lift, the doctor marks certain parts using a special pen to form a pattern; In this procedure, excess skin is removed based on the drawn pattern and then sutured with the skin under the nose.

Important points before lip centering

In this part of the article, we mention important points before performing central lip surgery; These points include:

  • Central lip surgery is one of the low-risk surgeries, but it is better for the client to pay attention to the height of the lip.
  • Clients can see the results after surgery and make better decisions by consulting the relevant doctor and visiting reputable clinics with 3D imaging devices.
  • It is better for central lip lift applicants to avoid makeup on the day of surgery.
  • If you are one of the people who smoke or smoke, it is better to stop it a few days before doing the central lip lift.
  • If you are taking a certain medicine or have a certain disease at the time of applying for a central lip lift, be sure to discuss it with your doctor because the use of some medicines, such as aspirin, will increase bleeding in the applicant.
  • If you are allergic to a certain drug, be sure to inform your doctor before the surgery.

Important care tips after lip center surgery

Usually, people need a week to recover after central lip surgery, and it is better to follow the care points mentioned in the rest of the article during this period so that they recover quickly and do not suffer from special complications; Central lip lift postoperative care includes:

  • It is better for people to refrain from doing heavy activities at home and outside after Central Lip Lift.
  • If you feel a lot of pain after central lip surgery, it is better to consult with your doctor to use painkillers so that the pain is bearable.
  • It is better to refrain from eating hard foods for some time after the Central Lip Lift procedure and during this time only use soft foods.
  • As much as possible, avoid opening and closing your lips in unnecessary situations.
  • As much as possible, avoid makeup, especially lip makeup, for one week after the central lip lift.
  • If you see lip swelling after surgery, you can use cooling kits to prevent and reduce swelling with the doctor’s advice.

A suitable candidate for lip center

In many cases, people who go to the doctor for central lip surgery have performed some cosmetic procedures on their lips and tend to use central lip lift to solve these problems; In general, central lip lift is suitable for the following people:

  • One of the best candidates for central lip surgery are people who have problems with the structure of the lips and nose.
  • The second category of best candidates for this procedure are people over 20 years old who are not satisfied with the current condition of their lips.
  • In the third category, the best candidates for central lip surgery are people who want to get rid of wrinkles on their lips, or their lips are very thin and small in volume.

Types of central lip lift methods

In the rest of the article, we discuss the types of central lip lift procedures and how to perform them; These methods include:

Incision under the nose

Lip lift with an incision under the nose is also known as cow horn; In this method, the doctor makes all the incisions under the nose and all parts of the lip, including the top, left and right, are pulled up.

Italian method

The Italian method is one of the central lip surgery methods, which is very similar to the nose incision method; One of the important differences between the Italian method and the lip lift with the incision under the nose is that in this method only two very small incisions are made under the nose.

In general, the Italian method is performed for people whose upper lip is elongated, has an excessive arch and also asymmetry.

Direct method

The direct method is another central lip lift method that leads to more voluminous and bold lips; In the direct method, a part of the outer skin of the lip is removed and the lip is stretched upwards.

Lip corner lift

Lip corner lift is suitable for people who have lost the natural shape of their lips due to age etc. To perform this method, the skin of the corner of the lip is cut and pulled upwards; This method is also suitable for applicants who have a sad line.

Bull horn lift

In this method, which is also called the central lift of the upper lip, under the nose is cut like a cow’s horn with precise measurements; Then a part of the skin is removed and the skin gap is closed with sutures.

Wing lip lift

In many cases, there is no problem with the distance between the applicant’s lips and nose, but due to problems such as the thinness of the upper lip, etc., this method is used; In this method, Dr. Shek vertically separates a part of the skin above the lip under the nose in order to highlight different parts of the lip.

By making vertical cuts under the nose, a very small gap is created, so there is no need to remove the nasal tissue in this method.

Advantages of central lip

Central lip lift surgery is one of the minimally invasive methods used to beautify the lips and increase its volume. Among the advantages of Central Lab, the following can be mentioned:

  • Great effect in rejuvenating the face and lips
  • It is possible to display the upper teeth after lip centering
  • Improving and reducing wrinkles between the nose and lips
  • Increased lip protrusion in people whose upper lip is further back or thinner than the lower lip.
  • An increase in the angle between the lips and the nose, which specifically affects the beauty of people.
  • Central lip lift also has a small effect on raising the tip of the nose.
  • Increased self-confidence due to physical attractiveness

Lip lift 2

Complications of central lip

As mentioned earlier in the article, central lip lift is one of the minimally invasive and risk-free methods, and all the complications caused after the operation are temporary and there is no reason to worry.

Choosing a reliable and appropriate clinic and visiting a specialist and experienced doctor can greatly reduce the temporary side effects of this surgery. In the rest of the article, we will discuss the side effects of the central lip lift; These complications include:

  • Redness in the fibrous area and around the lips
  • Swelling in the lip and around it for a day
  • Feeling pain after lip center surgery
  • Infection, asymmetry, swelling and scarring if you go to an inexperienced doctor and unreliable clinics

Longevity of central lip

In this section, we answer the question of whether central lip is permanent or not; Many people are looking for a way to permanently solve their lip problems, that’s why central lip lift is recommended to such people; In fact, the central lip lift remains for a long time and may change only due to physical injuries and some accidents, that’s why its results are lasting and permanent.

Many people use the central lip lift method for permanent attractiveness and beauty, as well as to avoid paying exorbitant costs in short periods of time; In addition to being permanent, the central lip lift gives a completely natural look to the lips.

Central lip lift cost

Calculating the cost of central lip lift, like all types of cosmetic surgeries, depends on many factors such as the clinic, the experience and expertise of the doctor, the drugs used, etc., and it is also possible that in addition to lip lift, another operation may be necessary for a better result, that’s why the same cost cannot be used. It applies to all people.

It is interesting to know that the central lip lift operation is not included in the insurance coverage due to its inclusion in the list of cosmetic surgeries, that is why people have to do it at free cost.

Additional notes about central lab

In this part of the article, points are mentioned that may be questions for many applicants; These points include:

  • Central lip lift does not require anesthesia, and this surgery can be performed easily with local anesthesia; But remember that in some cases, anesthesia may be used for this operation due to special conditions and also at the discretion of the surgeon.
  • If you intend to perform rhinoplasty and central lip lift at the same time, you should weigh all aspects with a lot of research and consultation with a doctor, because in addition to the benefits, it can also bring certain side effects.
  • To perform a central lip lift, it is very important to choose a reputable clinic and an experienced and specialized doctor.

final word

As mentioned in the article, the central lip lift is performed according to the unique conditions of each applicant, and in many cases, the recovery period of the central lip lasts a week; This is done using Local anesthesia done and is one of the minimally invasive methods. It is better to be careful in choosing your clinic and doctor to avoid temporary complications; Thank you for being with us until the end of the central lip lift article.

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