What is the difference between male and female genital warts?

People who are sexually active but have not yet been vaccinated with Gardasil are more likely to get HPV. HPV is the human papillomavirus, or genital wart, which is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. In many cases, the infection goes away on its own, but in some cases it is dangerous and may lead to certain types of cancer. So at the slightest sign, if you think you may have the disease, see your doctor to begin treatment with genital wart ointment and other methods. The topic of this article is the difference between genital warts in men and women.
The difference between genital warts and normal warts
Ordinary warts are not like genital warts. Although both types of warts are caused by a group of HPV viruses, the strains that cause each are different, and the methods of transmission are quite different. Note the following:
- Unlike normal warts, genital warts are transmitted through sexual contact. Click on the link to learn more about the ways of transmitting genital warts.
- Genital warts and ordinary warts are different in appearance; Ordinary warts are usually round and soft and grow on a main base; Genital warts, on the other hand, are generally flat lesions that may rise slightly above the surface of the skin. Genital warts are not soft and sometimes look like cauliflower.
- Common warts pose no risk to a person, but genital warts can lead to cancer and endanger a person’s health.
The difference between male and female genital warts
The causative agent of HPV is the same in men and women; However, there may be some differences that we will mention:
Risks of HPV in men and women
Although HPV is common in both men and women, the health problems caused by this infection are more problematic in women than in men. Men are more prone to genital warts than others who have not been circumcised. 2 – due to HIV or other diseases have a weak immune system and 3 – Men who have sex with other men. However, the high-risk HPV virus can cause cancer of the cervix, vagina, anus and throat in women, and cancer of the penis, anus or throat in men.
The most common HPV-related cancer in women is cervical cancer, and the most common HPV-related cancer in men is throat cancer.
How to diagnose HPV in men and women
Another difference between male and female genital warts is the method of diagnosing genital warts in them. Unfortunately, there are currently no approved tests for HPV in men, and many men carry it for years without knowing it. Genital warts in men can only be identified by the symptoms. Men should see a doctor immediately for further examinations if they notice any abnormal growth or change in the skin on the penis, scrotum, anus or throat. But in women, the problem is not so complicated because an annual Pap smear can detect HPV.
The location of the symptoms of genital warts in men and women
Both men and women can get HPV through vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who is infected. Most men and women with HPV never see any symptoms and are unaware of their condition, but in some cases genital warts can be clearly seen even with the naked eye. In these cases, the warts in men may be on the penis, testicles, anus and throat, and in women in the vaginal area, throat or anus.
Duration of genital warts in men and women
In one study, the difference between male and female genital warts in terms of the time required for complete treatment and recovery was examined. This study showed that it takes an average of 7.5 months for genital warts to go away, but this time was longer in men aged 18 to 30 years than in others. While the risk of HPV in women decreases with age, men appear to be at risk for new HPV infections throughout their lives. Of course, the mentioned results were only based on one study and more research is needed for accurate conclusions.
Methods of preventing genital warts in men and women
To avoid getting an HPV infection, consider the following:
- The most important way to prevent genital warts is to get the Gardasil vaccine. Where to buy the Gardasil vaccine if you ask? We have to say that you may be able to get it from the Red Crescent. It is recommended that the vaccine be given between the ages of 11 and 12 when boys and girls have not yet had sexual intercourse. The Gardasil vaccine is approved for ages 9 to 45 years.
- Be committed in your relationships and married life and avoid having sex with different sexual partners because each of them can be infected with HPV.
- The age group with the highest prevalence of HPV infection is between 15 and 25 years; It is better not to start having sex at an early age.
- Use a condom during all your sexual intercourse. Condoms do not provide complete protection against HPV because they are transmitted through skin-to-skin contact but are largely preventative.
- The risk of contracting HPV in uncircumcised men is many times higher than others; Therefore, it is better to circumcise at the same young age.
- Genital warts usually appear only when a person’s immune system is weakened; Therefore, by strengthening the immune system, this disease can be prevented to some extent. Healthy eating, adequate sleep, exercise and avoiding stress are very important in boosting the body’s defense system.
- It is best for women to have a Pap smear every year to get treatment for genital warts.
Concluding remarks
In this article, we have explained the difference between male and female genital warts. In general, it can be said that HPV is more similar in men and women than it is different. Genital warts are not a concern at all 90% of the time and go away on their own. But since it can also be dangerous and can lead to cancer, it is best to see a doctor if you notice the slightest unusual sign around your genital area.
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