Banking and insuranceEconomical

What is the most loss-making state-owned bank in 1999?

In line with the promise of Ehsan Khandouzi, Minister of Economy and Finance, who announced the publication of financial statements of state-owned companies and banks a few days ago; Over the past few days, the financial statements of state-owned banks, including Melli, Maskan, Iran’s Export Development, Industry, Mining and Agriculture, have been published on the Kedal website.

National Bank; It is the most loss-making state-owned bank in 1999

In this report, we examined one of the items (net profit (loss)) of the financial statements of these five banks. (Figures are in million Tomans)

71% profit against 51% loss of state-owned banks (99 years compared to the previous year)

Based on the observations and calculations, the total net profit of these 5 state-owned banks in 1998 shows 149 billion and 243 million Tomans, which in 1995 reached 256 billion and 337 million Tomans, which shows a growth of 71%.

According to the financial statements published by the banks in question, their total net loss in 1998 had reached 17 billion 205 million 319 Tomans; This amount reaches 8 billion 263 million 221 tomans in 99, which has decreased by 51%.

In general we can say; Bank Melli and Maskan were still at a loss compared to 1998. The Export Development Banks of Iran and Agriculture were profitable, and the Bank of Industry and Mines was profitable in 1999, considering the losses it had in the previous year.

Also, among the state-owned banks whose financial statements have been published so far, Bank Melli is the most unprofitable compared to others, followed by Maskan Bank.

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