
What is the price of new Chinese cars / MVM factory price? + table

According to Economy Online car service, according to the latest prices of Chinese cars in the open market, MVM X22 automatic sports luxury of 1401 has reached 812 million tomans. Also, the price of MVM X22 Pro Automatic IE is 878 million. Checking the prices of the products of car managers shows that the price of MVM X55 Sport model PRO IE is 1 billion 310 million tomans. Based on the price of Kerman Motor products, the price of Jack S3 automatic zero is around 940 million Tomans. Also, the price of Phoenix FX Premium is valued at 1 billion 800 million.

The price of Chinese cars in the open market

brandmodel (year of manufacture)Performance (km)price (tomans)
MVM X22 automatic sports luxury1401Zero812,000,000
MVM X22 PRO automatic IE1402Zero878,000,000
MVM X55 PRO IE sports1402Zero1,310,000,000
Jack S3 automatic1402Zero940,000,000
Chery Arizo 5T IE1402Zero1,100,000,000
Phoenix FX Premium1402Zero1,800,000,000
Source: Bama

Dealer price of Chinese cars

brandmodel (year of manufacture)Performance (km)price (tomans)
MVM X22 PRO gear1402zero (representative price)708,600,000
MVM X22 PRO automatic IE1402zero (representative price)873,100,000
MVM X55 PRO IE1402zero (representative price)1,253,800,000
Jack S3 automatic1402zero (representative price)910,450,000
Chery Arizo 5T IE1402zero (representative price)1,055,900,000
Phoenix FX Premium1402zero (representative price)1,730,400,000
Source: Bama

Based on the price of Chinese car dealers, the factory price of MVM X22 PRO gear has reached 708 million Tomans. Also, the MVM price of car managers in the dealership for the X22 PRO automatic IE model is also announced at 873 million. The price of the Phoenix FX representative of car managers is 1 billion 730 million.

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