
What is the price of Peugeot Pars in the market? + Table

Online EconomyMohsen Bahrami; The price of Peugeot Pars (Persia) varies depending on the type and model of this car. Peugeot Pars is currently offered by Iran Khodro in the form of simple models equipped with 1800 cc XU7 eight-valve engine, LX type equipped with 1600 cc sixteen-valve TU5 engine and automatic model with 1.6-liter engine and four-speed automatic transmission, by Iran Khodro. It becomes.

Meanwhile, the simple Peugeot Pars is the cheapest model of the Persia family and the latest factory price has been reported to be about 140 million and 200 thousand tomans. Peugeot Pars Automatic is also the most expensive model and if you order some options such as multimedia system with 13-inch display, rear row monitor, etc., its price will be even higher.

In the table below, the prices of different types of Peugeot Pars have been informed to you on the 4th of Aban 1400. It should be emphasized that the prices in the table below have been collected by completely reliable sources, but due to the specific market conditions, there is a possibility of fluctuation.

Peugeot Pars price in the open market (November 1400)

car typeModelFunctionPrice (USD)
Peugeot Pars simple gasoline1400Zero kilometers285 million
Peugeot Pars simple dual burner1400Zero kilometers305 million
Peugeot Pars LX with aluminum rim1399Zero kilometers300 million
Peugeot Pars LX with steel rim1400Zero kilometers315 million
Peugeot Pars Automatic1399Zero kilometers385 million
Peugeot Pars Automatic1398Zero kilometers360 million


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