
What is the price of Saipa SUV at the dealership? + Price list of all Saipa cars

By reading the table below, complete information about Daily price of Saipa cars You will get in the market

Daily price of Saipa cars
car namemarket price (tomans)Factory price (Tomans)
Tiba 2340,000,000
Saina S359,000,000241,081,000
Saina S Type DA360,000,000248,694,000
Saina S dual fuel382,000,000283,128,000
Saina S automatic410,000,000330,932,000
Quick tip DA348,000,000201,180,000
Quick automatic415,000,000327,087,000
Quick R350,000,000255,999,000
Quick R type DA351,000,000255,999,000
Quick R automatic421,000,000288,114,000
Quick R automatic DA type425,000,000338,484,000
Quick S358,000,000268,194,000
Quick S type DA359,000,000268,808,000
Saipa 151275,000,000218,029,000
Saipa 151 (liner)278,000,000221,380,000
Zamiyad van569,000,000485,000,000
Zamiyad van (hydraulic)579,000,000495,000,000
Zamiyad gas-powered van580,000,000545,000,000
Zamiyad gas-powered van (radial)584,000,000551,000,000
Zamiyad diesel van675,000,000625,000,000
Padra van650,000,000599,000,000
Padra van (dual fuel)690,000,000645,000,000
Caron pickup779,000,000710,000,000
Zagros pickup1,490,000,0001,195,000,000
Changan CS35 type 21,114,000,000
Changan CS35 type 31,182,000,000

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