
What is the problem called buying a zero-kilometer car / in car dealerships?

Eqtesadonline – Parham Karimi; Now that the quality of domestic cars is declining day by day under various pretexts such as sanctions, the expectation of proper treatment in dealerships, quality in services and reasonable price of spare parts is not unreasonable and car manufacturers have a duty to respect consumer rights to reform. Behavior and increase knowledge in agencies.

In a field report, Eqtesadonline asked the automakers’ representatives to share their experiences with us.

One of the main problems of the clients was the time and place of the agencies. Where either the queuing time was not observed or the delivery time of the car, which causes a lot of trouble for clients who have only one car. But the bigger problem goes back to the fact that due to the unequal level of knowledge and facilities of the agencies, a huge flood of clients is sent to several specific agencies, which in many cases we see from cities near and far, which causes this problem. It is not possible for the consumer to reach the nearest dealership, and if it is possible to register a turn, a lot of time will be spent on repairing and delivering the car.

In the meantime, there were a large number of cars that, according to their owners, had been suspended for several weeks under the pretext of not supplying parts, and they did not receive any response other than a problem in supplying parts. A number of owners even announced that they were willing to buy the part themselves and give it to a dealer for replacement.

In one of the strangest problems announced, a person after receiving his car was faced with the problem of excessive engine vibration and strange noises from the engine, which after examination revealed that the dealer repairmen after draining the oil, forgot that the new oil Pour into the engine. Another case reported by this client is the uncertainty of the oil used, which represents the delivery of the oil box or its replacement in the presence of the customer.

The next strange thing was referring a car with only 2000 km of operation for the 5th time to the dealership for reasons such as changing the pads and electrical problems such as not turning on the car display or turning on the car headlights completely. Solving all the problems caused the person to go to the agency several times.

These are just a few of the problems that agencies have, and the weakness of the inspection body is also evident in this regard.

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